The Stones at Glasto

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Re: The Stones at Glasto

Postby drakula63 » 03 Jul 2013, 13:21

I've never really rated Charlie Watts as a drummer. Certainly he is not in Brian or Tony's league - not even close. He has a strange slightly awkward looking way of playing and I have never, repeat NEVER heard him do anything that I couldn't do. Anyone could drum for the Stones. It wouldn't be difficult - even less so now!
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Re: The Stones at Glasto

Postby kipper » 03 Jul 2013, 17:57

without being rude in anyway to say charlie watts isnt a !!rated drummer!! is just daft. saying !!Anyone could drum for the Stones It wouldn't be difficult!!. the fact is he is part of what makes the stones what they are, awkward looking or not. the stones wouldnt be who they are with anyone else. i respect your right to say what you want but i have the right to reply to how i feel as well. so i repeat trying not to be rude but in my opion you are way out on what you have said. peace to all :roll: :D peter

Re: The Stones at Glasto

Postby Twang46 » 03 Jul 2013, 21:11

drakula63 wrote:I've never really rated Charlie Watts as a drummer. Certainly he is not in Brian or Tony's league - not even close. He has a strange slightly awkward looking way of playing and I have never, repeat NEVER heard him do anything that I couldn't do. Anyone could drum for the Stones. It wouldn't be difficult - even less so now!

Here's a link to Charlie's "other" band


Re: The Stones at Glasto

Postby RUSSET » 05 Jul 2013, 04:44

Someone asked if they would be playing 'This could be the last time' , but they said no ....... You gotta hand it to them, they did get it together for 70 year old guys & Jagger's energy was staggering. On the other hand, did anyone watch Nile Rogers & Chic ? Now that was a superb, pro, tight performance & really got the crowd going. What a happy band.


Re: The Stones at Glasto

Postby cockroach » 05 Jul 2013, 13:28

Seeing Jim McLachlan's comment previously struck a chord (!) with me.

I watched the video Shine A Light a while back, which was a live concert show they did a few years ago, and it did seem to me that Keith was 'cruising' a bit- it seemed Ronnie Wood was doing all the work on lead guitar- and rather well too- even using an electric sitar on Paint It Black.

Conversely, both Jagger and Charlie Watts were really working hard up there- and those two rather carried and drove the band I thought.

Re: The Stones at Glasto

Postby drakula63 » 05 Jul 2013, 14:42

Thought that might provoke a bit of a response!

Seriously though, maybe it's just the Stones' music which is so undemanding that it doesn't allow Charlie to really display his full potential or show us what he can really do. I am, of course, aware that he is a jazz drummer - but then again, so was Tony and so is Brian. The difference is, I have always been impressed and 'excited' by both Tony and Brian's drumming - their sheer power and expertise, their incredible versatility, etc... I have NEVER, repeat NEVER heard this in Charlie's playing.

By a strange co-incidence, I was talking to a friend of mine only this morning (a bass player) and the subject of the Stones at Glasto came up and he said "...I dunno what it is about the Stones, but I have always felt that there was something missing..." Interesting.

So, yes, Charlie is certainly a pro, but I'd rather have a drumming competition with him that with Brian Bennett - Brian would wipe the floor with me in every respect. I'm not so sure that Charlie would. Sorry Charlie and all those who think I'm talking rubbish. Not everyone who 'makes it' is actually that good...

P.S. I don't suppose Charlie could give two hoots about my opinion either way!!! ;)

P.P.S. I'm certainly not anti-Stones by any means - good luck to them, they're legends. And for a good reason (or two!!).
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Re: The Stones at Glasto

Postby kipper » 05 Jul 2013, 16:09

we are all entitled to our opinions and that`s just what they are opinions. then quote but I have always felt that there was something missing . i`m not a great stones fan, but the early stones had nothing missing to me. early stones music was fantastic spot on for that time period. peter

Re: The Stones at Glasto

Postby drakula63 » 05 Jul 2013, 16:35

Just watched the video featuring Charlie playing jazz. Yes, fine stuff, but I didn't see or rather 'hear' anything that makes me change my mind. Last summer I had the great pleasure of attending the KPM All-Stars gig in London, featuring (amongst others) Brian Bennett on drums. Now THAT was a gig I wish I had some video of!!!!

The best thing Charlie Watts ever did was reputedly knock Jagger across the dining table and almost out of the window after he referred to Charlie as " drummer..." !!! All I can say is, nice one Charlie - I wish I'd seen THAT!!!

:o :D
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Re: The Stones at Glasto

Postby kipper » 05 Jul 2013, 16:43

The best thing Charlie Watts ever did was reputedly knock Jagger across the dining table and almost out of the window after he referred to Charlie as " drummer..." !!! All I can say is, nice one Charlie - I wish I'd seen THAT!!!
now i cant argue with that nice one indeed. peter

Re: The Stones at Glasto

Postby Uncleboko » 05 Jul 2013, 19:39

The Stones recorded many fine sessions for Saturday Club and other programmes on the old BBC Light Programme, which have unfornately never been officially released, other than snippets on a Stones at the Beeb programme.

Presumably those old sessions were wiped years ago and what survives consists of the efforts of numerous avid tapers with fingers poised on the pause button at the time - like myself, except that my old reel to reel tape is buried under 25 years of clutter in our attic. I knew exactly where it was when I live on my own!
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