Shadows tributes in Dorset

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Shadows tributes in Dorset

Postby Poggle » 29 Jun 2013, 13:43

Having read through a lot of the places where gigs are going on, I didn't see anywhere near Dorset. I live in Wareham. Is there a reason why nothing is being done down this way or is it that no one has thought about it? In saying that, I am looking into putting on a monthly "music day" in the town, we have oodles of folk clubs but nothing for any other genre never mind Shadows/Cliff music. I just need to figure out a venue and a day/afternoon/evening to put it all on. Anyone got any clues as to venue types or best days etc? I can get a Church Hall for not a lot of money but, no booze is to be on sale, just tea and coffee and the wifes home made cakes with her home made jam in them, ( THAT alone should bring a few bodies in!!!!) Anyone care to chuck in their tuppence worth then?


Re: Shadows tributes in Dorset

Postby Iain Purdon » 29 Jun 2013, 13:49

I live just beyond Dorset in East Devon and would be happy to come a-Shadowing in Wareham.
The jazz keyboardist in our rock'n'roll band lives in Swanage so I'm sure I could rope him in if you wanted to do other kinds of stuff.
Best wishes - Iain
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Re: Shadows tributes in Dorset

Postby Poggle » 29 Jun 2013, 16:06

Iain_P wrote:I live just beyond Dorset in East Devon and would be happy to come a-Shadowing in Wareham.
The jazz keyboardist in our rock'n'roll band lives in Swanage so I'm sure I could rope him in if you wanted to do other kinds of stuff.
Best wishes - Iain

That would be fab Iain. Now I have got one other interested, I will give a venue more thought. The wife and I are also a folk duo BUT, we also do a lot of middle of the road stuff as well with acoustic guitar, she would LOVE to do things like "Venus In Furs" by Velvet Underground and other stuff of that ilk but.....I don't think it will go down to well in a sleep one horse farming and holiday towm like Wareham:) I have done it acoustically though....Went right over peoples heads:)).
When I get more info Iain, I will let you know.


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