Ducati problem?????

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Ducati problem?????

Postby alanbakewell » 11 Jun 2013, 17:06

A Ducati bike rider walked into a chemist shop in a small township south of Brisbane, and asked to talk to a male pharmacist.

The woman he was talking to said that she was the only pharmacist and that as she and her sister owned the store, there were no males employed there.
She then asked if she could help him. The biker said that it was something that he would be much more comfortable discussing with a male pharmacist.
The female pharmacist assured him that she was completely professional, and what ever it was that he needed to discuss, he could be confident that she would treat him with the highest level of professionalism.

The biker then agreed and began by saying, "This is tough for me to discuss, but I have a ......permanent erection.
It causes me a lot of problems, and severe embarrassment, and I was wondering what you could give me for it."
The pharmacist said, "Just a minute, I'll talk to my sister."

When she returned, she said, "We discussed it at length, and the absolute best we can do is:
1/3 ownership in the shop ....
A company car...
Five home cooked dinners a week ..
And $ 3,000 a month in living expenses."
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Re: Ducati problem?????

Postby jimuc » 11 Jun 2013, 19:03

Hi Alan,

Loved that one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

By the way I also have one of those permanent erections..........................It's the shed at the bottom of me garden

Re: Ducati problem?????

Postby alanbakewell » 11 Jun 2013, 20:13

:D :D :D
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Re: Ducati problem?????

Postby abstamaria » 22 Jun 2013, 16:51

That is very funny.

I have a comparable story, but in my case the lady decided to keep, not me, but the motorcycle.

Some years ago, I decided it was no longer prudent for me to ride and so let my friends know my motorcycles were for sale. One of them was a yellow Ducati 748R, which I think is one of the most beautiful motorcycles ever made. Several of my friends thought so, too, including non-riders. One day, a friend called to say that one of her officers was interested in the Ducati. She owned and was Chairman (chairperson) of a large conglomerate.

The officer dropped by, didn’t even bother to ride the motorcycle, and paid for it. I wasn't surprised as the Ducati was like new. Some days afterwards a trailer came to pick it up.

Some months later, I visited my friend’s company and asked her President whether the officer was happy with the bike. He smiled and brought me to the Chairman’s very posh office. And there was the Ducati, along with antiques and art. She doesn’t ride but simply loved the shape.

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Postby abstamaria » 22 Jun 2013, 17:08

Here is our bass guitarist Anna (who posts here occasionally) on the Ducati when i still had it.

(38.47 KiB) Downloaded 6457 times

It is very attractive to both men and women!

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Re: Ducati problem?????

Postby Didier » 22 Jun 2013, 20:55

Ducati are to motorcycles what Ferrari are to cars, not only highly performing vehicles, but pieces of art !
And what a sound...

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Re: Ducati

Postby abstamaria » 23 Jun 2013, 08:13

Yes, they are works of art, Didier. I would have kept the Ducati just to look at at it, but there was always the temptation to ride it.

TC cam covers.JPG
(578.16 KiB) Downloaded 6422 times

That's a photo I took a few years ago of the Ducati as art. Only the cam covers hanging on the wall remain with me. I often wish I had kept both the car and the bike.


PS. I suspect the two ladies in Alan's tale may have had their eye on the Ducati, too.
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Re: Ducati

Postby Uncle Fiesta » 26 Jun 2013, 16:15

abstamaria wrote:Here is our bass guitarist Anna (who posts here occasionally) on the Ducati when i still had it.


It is very attractive to both men and women!


And the bike looks quite nice too!
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Re: Ducati problem?????

Postby Dranna » 28 Jun 2013, 05:31

Thank you, Steve! I take that as a compliment. :)

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