A Taste Of Honey

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A Taste Of Honey

Postby anniv 63 » 24 Mar 2013, 13:24

The following little story recently appeared in a newspaper weekend magazine.
However at the 1999 Pipeline Convention, Bert Weedon told the same amusing story
between a couple of numbers- some other attendees might remember this.
The late Jimmy Shand a well known Scottish Accordionist and band leader, had been working
with Bert in the North and they had been staying at a hotel establishment not exactly known for
serving large portions.
At breakfast Jimmy asked for toast which was accompanied by a small pat of butter and a miniscule
drop of honey in a pot.
Examining the pot in detail , Jimmy looked up to landlady and said " I see you keep A bee then !!!!!

No doubt as a tribute he played a Polka in Bee minor!!!!

anniv 63
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Re: A Taste Of Honey

Postby George Geddes » 24 Mar 2013, 17:04

I have a strong feeling that's a Chic Murray classic, Mike...

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Re: A Taste Of Honey

Postby anniv 63 » 24 Mar 2013, 19:42

You are probably right George , it would appear to originate from gentlemen of that era.
Somebody from Dunfermline sent it in to the Daily Record Sat supplement but his version
only mentioned Jimmy whilst in Canada so the joke has been the rounds obviously!!!

anniv 63
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Re: A Taste Of Honey

Postby Iain Purdon » 27 Mar 2013, 07:41

Definitely Chic Murray. He of: "I first met my wife in the tunnel of love. She was digging it at the time."
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