Bennett, Hawkshaw, Shadows on radio...

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Bennett, Hawkshaw, Shadows on radio...

Postby drakula63 » 29 Mar 2012, 14:35

Every Sunday, from 7PM - 9PM, you can catch the show NOT ON YOUR TELLY. Basically, a mix of classic (and utterly brilliant!) TV themes, chat, trivia and news. Usually presented by Steve Hardy and Andy Thompson, this week I am in the hot seat, due to them both wanting the day off (probably don't want any April Fools Day jokes being plaayed on them!).

Anyway, your very own Drakula63 will be presenting LIVE for two hours of brilliance. Obviously I shall be indulging myself and I can promise plenty of Brian Bennett, Alan Hawkshaw and at least two Shads pieces -- all TV-related. There'll also be a special tribute to the late Steve Gray and one or two other surprises!

Please listen. Sunday 1st April, 7-9 PM. And I'm not joking...


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Re: Bennett, Hawkshaw, Shadows on radio...

Postby drakula63 » 11 Apr 2012, 14:48

...Will be co-hosting the new Saturday morning show on, er, Saturday morning between 9 and 12. I aim to try and include at least ONE Shadows track and one by Hawkshaw or Bennett...
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