"Stuff" Guitarists Don't Say

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"Stuff" Guitarists Don't Say

Postby donna plasky » 25 Mar 2012, 22:48

Hi, everybody. Someone just showed me this video on YouTube. I had never seen it before -- it is hilarious. I wanted to share it with you, that is...if the Board Admin and/or Moderator can please forgive the expletive in the title. It is really not a crude video, outside of the title. And, um, yes :oops: this is what most of us "over here" have done to the English language. Sorry about that part!

Best wishes,

donna plasky

Re: "Stuff" Guitarists Don't Say

Postby Detailed Infinity » 29 Mar 2012, 15:59

Well, hush my mouth. Never heard the like in all my years !!!

The reason this has passed by Donna is 'cause it has a total lack of reference to the Shadows. People are still in shock and on the nebulisers :lol:

Write down 1 million times 'I must not post non Shadow's stuff' you naughty girl ;)

I myself have a manly smile playing 'round the lips ala Rhet Butler :shock:

Detailed Infinity

Re: "Stuff" Guitarists Don't Say

Postby donna plasky » 30 Mar 2012, 00:58

The rampant use of the word "dude" over here probably originated with Sean Penn's role as Jeff Spicoli in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." It was originally known as the California Surfer Dude accent, but it is no longer limited to the west coast. Apologies if the poor vocabulary ruined any intended humour in the dialogue.

A friend originally shared this video with me because of the part where the guy says, "What is this...tablature? Where's the sheet music?" It was my friend's way of teasing me that I have not yet become fluent in reading sheet music. Most of my books have both -- they have the songs written out on a treble cleff staff and then underneath it, all the tablature numbers and symbols. I keep a fretboard diagram on my music stand to always remind me not to think of music as a bunch of numbers.

donna plasky

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