Genuine Virus Alert...

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Genuine Virus Alert...

Postby David Martin » 04 May 2011, 06:58

Yesterday my machine went ballistic telling me that everything about it was failing ...

Check this out... (scroll down to see article after ads)

If this happens to you, don't even click the error messages...

In the end, even Malware Bytes wouldn't shift it, but SpyNoMore would...

Nasty, nasty experience...
David M
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Re: Genuine Virus Alert...

Postby Bluesnote » 04 May 2011, 07:22

My laptop went crazy four weeks ago, I dont know what caused it, but I could'nt fix it and had to go back to factory settings and start all over again :evil: which I'm sure a lot of you have had to do at sometime or other and know how bloody annoying it is putting everything back in again.
I dont visit many sites such as this one(only four actually), and I'm not guilty of doing a lot of surfing so I dont know where I picked it up but it sure is a pain in the ass :evil: but the one good thing was, it was fixable.

Re: Genuine Virus Alert...

Postby Rosemary » 05 May 2011, 10:05

Hi David and Hugh
A friend today me today that her husband had the same thing happen a few days ago and took it to be repaired where there were 5 or 6 others with the same virus/Trojan.
Glad it's all fixed now!
Best wishes

Re: Genuine Virus Alert...

Postby Bluesnote » 05 May 2011, 16:06

Actually I should have mentioned in my last post that the last thing I did on my laptop before the problems was download the Imesh free music site. As soon as I downloaded it, it went haywire and when I tried to remove the program, it would'nt let me do it, then it froze completely and there was nothing that would sort it, it left me with the only option of clearing out the lot and back to basics :evil:
Thats what I get for looking for freebies :roll:
Sods law I suppose :o

Perhaps I should'nt say this but......all seems to be well now since I reset the laptop :?

Re: Genuine Virus Alert...

Postby Minishadow » 10 May 2011, 19:35

I've just got to say that I had a really bad virus before..... It was on my old computer that is now, no more (<- Hehe, them sentences rhyme!)

My PC was running idol whilst I was sorting something out on my desk, suddenly, something started downloading, I couldn't press cancel because it downloaded very fast and the cancel button was disabled....After that, what ever had downloaded, started installing.... after it installed, an "Anti-Virus" program popped up, it was fake, god knows what it was called but every time I clicked "close" the thing just came back again, again, and again. It got on my nerves so much. I googled what it was and people claimed it could never be removed... but indeed, I found a way.

It's called "System Restore" :lol:

It got rid of this awful virus... not long after, my HDD died and the PC is now in the great Anti-Virus Program in the sky....

God Bless my old Packard Bell.....

Nevertheless, I now have a top spec Compaq Laptop now, with Norton 360 installed.... no other Anti-Virus program on here this time.... ;)

Robson :)

Re: Genuine Virus Alert...

Postby Rosemary » 12 May 2011, 13:06

I'm a bit of a computer nerd from way back and remarkably have never had a virus although I know it will happen one day. However back in the old DOS 6 days a badly written program on a computer magazine CD completely destroyed the FAT on my old 486DX-33. It was a game demo and caused all the directory (folder) contents on my hard disk to become scrambled. A couple of times before reformatting old hard disks I tried to replicate it but couldn't and I ran several virus scanners over it too and nothing showed up.

I'm not as confident with the current anti-virus, Internet security software I have running now as it's all done in the background and nowhere near as configurable but additionally I use the Web Developer Firefox add-on ... developer/
and always turn off Javascript when visiting unknown sites as it only takes a mouseclick to turn it back on again when needed for site functionality. It might seem a bit eccentric but disabling scripting offers a bit of added protection and will also block a lot of ads, speeding up browsing and reducing data downloads.

All the best

Re: Genuine Virus Alert...

Postby Minishadow » 12 May 2011, 18:59

Rosemary wrote:
and always turn off Javascript when visiting unknown sites as it only takes a mouseclick to turn it back on again when needed for site functionality. It might seem a bit eccentric but disabling scripting offers a bit of added protection and will also block a lot of ads, speeding up browsing and reducing data downloads.

Ooooh, that's a good bit of info to know that! Will bare in mind when browsing in the future.....


Re: Genuine Virus Alert...

Postby hernando » 12 May 2011, 20:03

I inadvertently downloaded a Trojan virus bundled up in free MIDI file for the guitar instrumental "Wipeout" by the Surfaris. Never did manage to hear the tune, but it certainly lived up to its name as far as the computer was concerned. Luckily, it was fairly simple to remove with an updated AVG Antivirus.
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Re: Genuine Virus Alert...

Postby Minishadow » 12 May 2011, 20:37

I must admit, I did laugh at the backing track living up to it's name! :lol:

Re: Genuine Virus Alert...

Postby Bill Bowley » 15 May 2011, 03:09


and I assume none of you are using Open DNS? :roll:
Bill Bowley


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