Photograph for Twang46

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Photograph for Twang46

Postby BarryH » 09 Oct 2009, 10:42

Here's a photograph to make Twang46 (Dick) feel more at home.

The Angel of the North, has been moved to Derbyshire where it feels a bit warmer. It's actually a life sized replica that is part of the Sotherby's "Beyond Limits" sculpture exhibition in the grounds of Chatsworth House in Derbyshire.


Last edited by BarryH on 09 Oct 2009, 11:15, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Photograph for Twang46

Postby dave robinson » 09 Oct 2009, 10:46

It's a bloody eyesore. :thumbdown:
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Re: Photograph for Twang46

Postby petercreasey » 09 Oct 2009, 11:06

Take the Bugger back to Gateshead and let it rust in peace :!: :!: :!: !!

Re: Photograph for Twang46

Postby BarryH » 09 Oct 2009, 11:14

Don't worry Dave, there's only a few days left before this and all the other sculptures go down to Sotherby's where some very wealthy punter will wave his hand in the air and buy it.


Re: Photograph for Twang46

Postby Twang46 » 10 Oct 2009, 16:50

When the *****!!!*s at Gateshead council commisioned this from Gormless, he told them after 5 years or so it would "mature" into a splendid "gunmetal" finish that would gracefully age as time passed.
It still looks the same as the day it was stuck in the ground :lol:
My vote was for a Brown Ale bottle, but alas no one listened, sadly it has just been anounced that from next year Scottish & Newcastle brewery is no more & will be renamed after a bottle of (addmitedly very nice) lager



Re: Photograph for Twang46

Postby Amanda » 23 Oct 2009, 15:21

It's like the "iron man" that stood by the town hall in Birmingham, it made all the pavement
go rusty, the council sold it to another council in the end!

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Re: Photograph for Twang46

Postby Risky » 23 Oct 2009, 15:33

I calculate that this will take about 2,500 bottles of Loctite Rust Remedy to sort out. God knows how many tins of undercoats will be needed :lol:
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Re: Photograph for Twang46

Postby BarryH » 23 Oct 2009, 22:36

I'm amazed no one has noticed the ghosts in the water. If you can, enlarge the section to the left of the Angels feet.

It was pointed out to me an a photographic forum.


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