
Any topic not covered in any of the specialist forums above


Postby AngeliqueNL » 06 Oct 2009, 11:38

Hi there

I have been trying to upload some images to my profile/personal album.
Since I am still trying to get a grip of the new site, I can't seem to get them where I want them... ;-)
The images are now under my account name, but I made a subalbum (Personal pics) and can't seem to move them in there...?!
Does this mean that I have to upload them again to get them in the subfolder?
Any help would be appreciated...


Re: Gallery

Postby AngeliqueNL » 06 Oct 2009, 23:03

Anyone able to shed some light before I start deleting pics and re-upload them again???
Thanks in advance!

Re: Gallery

Postby OLDEREK » 06 Oct 2009, 23:11

Hi Angel I wish I could help you but I'm no good at this stuff, Bob Dore the builder of this site will help you later on, but I do know he has very little time at the moment due to work commitments .........Cheers :D

Re: Gallery

Postby AngeliqueNL » 07 Oct 2009, 11:24

Thanks Derek, I'll wait for Bob's helping hand then ;-)


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