Help Required... mp3 players

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Help Required... mp3 players

Postby David Martin » 27 Sep 2009, 10:35

I give in... I need to put all my music into digital files and use an mp3 player...

What would you recommend? I'd prefer one which will play .wma files along with mp3s...
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Re: Help Required... mp3 players

Postby JimN » 27 Sep 2009, 10:57

Absoloute no-brainer, David... an Apple iPod.

No-one ever got fired for buying IBM and you will not find a better portable player/mass-storage device than the Roll-Royce of the genre.

That is all.

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Re: Help Required... mp3 players

Postby George Geddes » 27 Sep 2009, 11:04


Though I have several cheap mp3 players by Bush, Alba and Technika which work perfectly well for most purposes. The iPod, though, is in a different league.

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Re: Help Required... mp3 players

Postby dave robinson » 27 Sep 2009, 11:15

iPod . . . . . . . simples
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Re: Help Required... mp3 players

Postby Hank2k » 27 Sep 2009, 11:25

i disagree, ipods are too expensive for what they are when a similiar item from sony or phillips will be just as good if not better. I ordered a 20gb philips one that plays videos aswell for just £100

Re: Help Required... mp3 players

Postby dave robinson » 27 Sep 2009, 11:36

I know folks who have had several Phillps/Sony etc mp3 players in the time I've had on iPod and then they've moved on to the iPod after :|
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Re: Help Required... mp3 players

Postby Sleepwalker63 » 27 Sep 2009, 12:03

I have to say that I steer clear of Apple products due to their propretariness (such a word?) - iTunes insistence, etc. My current mp3 player is a Creative ZEN. Plays mp3, wma, and videos. Very happy with that.


Re: Help Required... mp3 players

Postby David Martin » 27 Sep 2009, 17:29

Will an iPod play .wma files?
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Re: Help Required... mp3 players

Postby Bob Dore » 27 Sep 2009, 17:56

For the usual consideration of a suitcase full of used fivers I can convert wma to mp3 :shifty:

Bob Dore

Re: Help Required... mp3 players

Postby JimN » 27 Sep 2009, 18:16

David Martin wrote:Will an iPod play .wma files?

Just checking...

OK... here's the answer...

You load any file onto your iPod through iTunes (installed on your computer).

When you drag and drop a *.wma file into iTunes, it automatically converts it into the AAC format (one of the formats playable on the iPod).

Hope this helps,

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