Tony Meehan at 304 Holloway Road

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Tony Meehan at 304 Holloway Road

Postby Arpeggio » 12 Nov 2021, 12:34

Hi Everyone. On behalf of Cherry Red Records, I am currently ploughing my way through 1,900 of Joe Meek's RGM Tapes (I receive them as Soundfiles). I have come across a fascinating clip of what I am sure is Tony just playing a few things for Joe Meek - c. Oct.1961. Of course, I can't be 100% certain. I would need special permission from Cherry Red to post part of it here (which may not be granted). But.....Tony Meehan was at 304 between October and December 1961. He played on several uncredited sessions and was allowed to try his hand at production (courtesy of Joe) on Michael Cox's "Honey, Cause I Love You So." There may have been other tracks, but hard facts - especially from 304 Holloway Road 60 years ago - are difficult to substantiate.

Re: Tony Meehan at 304 Holloway Road

Postby UlrichS » 12 Nov 2021, 13:45

Hi Rob,

That must be a very interesting (and time consuming) project. In some way I envy you.
I am very much looking forward to read/hear the outcome.

Regarding the Michael Cox single, which you mention, Tony Meehan is credited on both sides of the label "with Instrumental Accompaniment directed by Tony Meehan".
As the size of attached pictures is limited here you can view the record here:
Honey, 'Cause I Love You is of special interest as the Krew Kats (Big Jim Sullivan, Tony Belcher, Brian Locking, Brian Bennett) are backing Michale Cox. So on this recording Tony directed his later successor in The Shadows, Brian.

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Re: Tony Meehan at 304 Holloway Road

Postby Arpeggio » 25 Nov 2021, 13:30

Hi Everyone,
Cherry Red have kindly allowed to upload part of the drumming clip. I had 1'20", but it exceeded the maximum file size. I'm trying again with c. 0'55". When Alan Blackburn listened to the actual 10" tape reels almost 40 years ago, he simply noted - 'Drumming audition - quite good.' (!!!!!). I have listened to about 4 drumming auditions to date. This one was startling!!! Brilliant. Within less than 5 seconds, I found myself thinking - Tony Meehan. There was a bit of dialogue (omitted) with Joe Meek saying "Just play a few things." Tony (if indeed it IS him) launches off straightaway. Well, over to other Shads experts. Only 50 seconds or so. Does anyone else think that this is Tony Meehan?? :D

01 Tony Meehan Audition Shorter.mp3
(856.4 KiB) Downloaded 527 times

Re: Tony Meehan at 304 Holloway Road

Postby GoldenStreet » 25 Nov 2021, 21:44

Fascinating to listen to. I think it could be said there is a certain stylistic resemblance to See You In My Drums, not only in tempo but in the drum sound itself, or is that just my imagination - a Gretsch sound?

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Re: Tony Meehan at 304 Holloway Road

Postby Arpeggio » 25 Nov 2021, 21:48

Very similar to my own thoughts, Bill. Very similar indeed. :)

Re: Tony Meehan at 304 Holloway Road

Postby iefje » 26 Nov 2021, 08:04

Hi Rob, great to hear this clip, thank you for sharing! Listening to it, it resembles "See You In My Drums" a bit, but I also hear patterns from "Little 'B'", Tony's successor, Brian Bennett!
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Re: Tony Meehan at 304 Holloway Road

Postby Arpeggio » 26 Nov 2021, 11:18

Definitely not Brian. I have interviewed him about his visits to 304 Holloway Road with the Krew Kats. In fact, he was directed by Tony!!! That must have been interesting. But he definitely never worked for Joe Meek on any separate sessions as such. :)

Re: Tony Meehan at 304 Holloway Road

Postby iefje » 26 Nov 2021, 12:15

Arpeggio wrote:Definitely not Brian. I have interviewed him about his visits to 304 Holloway Road with the Krew Kats. In fact, he was directed by Tony!!! That must have been interesting. But he definitely never worked for Joe Meek on any separate sessions as such. :)

No, what I meant was that some of the patterns that Tony plays on this track remind me of patterns that Brian played on "Little 'B'". ;)
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Re: Tony Meehan at 304 Holloway Road

Postby Arpeggio » 07 Dec 2021, 21:13

Come on everyone!! 93 downloads, but only 2 people have so far expressed an opinion. I have just replied in order to move this up to the top. Please could I encourage members to have a listen and decide whether or not they think this could be Tony cutting loose?? Thanks - Rob. :)

Re: Tony Meehan at 304 Holloway Road

Postby Moderne » 07 Dec 2021, 23:23

Hi Rob,

I've listened but can only echo what Bill and Ivo have already said. It could be Tony - but I can't say definitively.

Best wishes,

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