I am looking for an hall and collins echo

Looking for either a home or the bin

I am looking for an hall and collins echo

Postby mannes » 18 Aug 2021, 05:37

I am looking for an hall and collins echo
Who has one and want to sell
His hall and collins echo
In good condition
I live in the Netherlands
Kind regards

Re: I am looking for an hall and collins echo

Postby chris mcbain » 19 Aug 2021, 18:09

Hello Mannes,
According to the Hall and Collins web site they have stopped making their pedals at the moment due to a shortage of electronic components, so you may struggle to get hold
of even a second hand one. But lots of shads people on this site say the Stanley Blue Nebula Pedal is just as good and a brand new one is less than £300 with all the shads echoes installed maybe this will suit you better, hope this info helps.

chris mcbain
Posts: 58
Joined: 15 Dec 2018, 15:37

Re: I am looking for an hall and collins echo

Postby mannes » 20 Aug 2021, 08:08

Thanks for your reply
I might found one
In my own country
Kind regards

Re: I am looking for an hall and collins echo

Postby Sothall Mike » 20 Aug 2021, 13:38

Hi Mannes, I've sent you a PM but don't know if you received it or not ? Anyway I have a friend who is selling a Hall and Collins Echo but is not a member on this site. He is however quite happy for me to give you his Phone number for you to contact him direct. Is this of interest to you ? Please let me know.
Kind Regards
Mike Kilner
Sothall Mike
Posts: 217
Joined: 29 Aug 2013, 14:07
Location: Sheffield

Re: I am looking for an hall and collins echo

Postby mannes » 20 Aug 2021, 18:21

Oké many thanks I will email
You tonight

Re: I am looking for an hall and collins echo

Postby mannes » 20 Aug 2021, 18:39

I sent you a message
Kind regards

Re: I am looking for an hall and collins echo

Postby Sothall Mike » 20 Aug 2021, 18:48

Hi Mannes, don't know where you sent the message ? I can't find it !!! Anyway if you could send an email to - mikeandgill59@hotmail.co.uk

Much appreciated

Mike Kilner
Sothall Mike
Posts: 217
Joined: 29 Aug 2013, 14:07
Location: Sheffield

Re: I am looking for an hall and collins echo

Postby mannes » 20 Aug 2021, 19:28

Fitts I send you an private message
And I send you an email just a minute ago
Kind regards

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