South Yorkshire Shadows Club - Meeting 13th June 2021

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

South Yorkshire Shadows Club - Meeting 13th June 2021

Postby Sothall Mike » 06 Jun 2021, 13:27

Hi everyone, well hopefully this is the start of us getting back to some sort of normality !!! Next Sundays meeting will start again at 12 noon till 4 15pm.
Please bring your own Mug or Cup for Tea or Coffee. There will be the usual raffle and Gill and the ladies will be seated at the back of the room - rather than going round from table to table, - so please see them for your Tickets. Hopefully there will be members present for us to have the usual Live - Set in the second half. Because of us having to re-negotiate the use of the Club, the cost of hiring the room has gone up - so consequentially the cost per meeting has to go up. £4.00 for players and £1.00 for non players. We are now having to provide our own refreshments but will be keeping the price the same as before. Please be aware of having your face masks on when going to the toilets or through to the bar in the games room.

Looking forward to seeing you all there again and any new faces that want to attend.

Mike Kilner
Sothall Mike
Posts: 217
Joined: 29 Aug 2013, 14:07
Location: Sheffield

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