Hank Marvin new cd?

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Re: Hank Marvin new cd?

Postby Arpeggio » 09 May 2021, 10:43

I remember reading a comment somewhere (but I cannot recall the precise details) that, for whatever reason/s, Hank was ultimately dissatisfied with his "Guitar Syndicate" project. He was most unhappy that it came out on CD (See For Miles) apparently. So....I would guess that he would not sanction any kind of reissue of it nowadays.

Re: Hank Marvin new cd?

Postby drakula63 » 09 May 2021, 11:05

Arpeggio wrote:I remember reading a comment somewhere (but I cannot recall the precise details) that, for whatever reason/s, Hank was ultimately dissatisfied with his "Guitar Syndicate" project. He was most unhappy that it came out on CD (See For Miles) apparently. So....I would guess that he would not sanction any kind of reissue of it nowadays.

That's a shame. The See For Miles CD goes for silly prices now on ebay and, personally, I thought they ruined the front cover by sticking old black and white pics of Hank all over it. It looked tacky and just wrong. I think it's a great album - as good as any of the solo albums he made during the '90s, better in most cases. One day I might splash out on the See For Miles CD, but at the moment you can't seem to get one for less than about £24 or £35. A bit much.
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Re: Hank Marvin new cd?

Postby JimN » 09 May 2021, 11:24

Arpeggio wrote:I remember reading a comment somewhere (but I cannot recall the precise details) that, for whatever reason/s, Hank was ultimately dissatisfied with his "Guitar Syndicate" project. He was most unhappy that it came out on CD (See For Miles) apparently. So....I would guess that he would not sanction any kind of reissue of it nowadays.

Would that matter? The rights are held by Warner Music, as the successor to EMI Records.
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Re: Hank Marvin new cd?

Postby Arpeggio » 09 May 2021, 11:54

It would be the same old story sadly Jim. WM would never consider reissuing it themselves - as they don't believe it would be financially worthwhile. For anyone to License it.......well..Brian Goode is still Hank's manager and all Hank / Shadows material relating to WM has to be approved by him. I think that says it all, unfortunately.

I agree about the SFM artwork on that reissue..not the greatest. For everyone on Shadowmusic, another true story relating to that reissue. Colin Miles had set up all of his printing deadlines in advance. I did a lot of work for SFM as you know. I received a grovelling phone call from him (virtually unheard of) late one Saturday afternoon. He confessed that he had set up this particular reissue without informing or involving me. The reason was that he thought that he would give someone else (who shall remain nameless) a chance to write the notes. When they arrived - he was apparently so appalled that he literally tore them up (this was pre Email etc) and threw them in the bin. Then, in desperation - he 'phoned me. Could I write the notes -and Fax them to him.....by 10.00am Monday morning!!! Wait for it...he would pay me...£50 (gasp!!!") instead of the usual £30!!!

So, with no prior warning....I started at about 7.00pm on Saturday evening & then spent most of Sunday working on it...pretty solidly..finishing just after midnight!!!! Fax Machines were not commonplace back then .Luckily, my wife was working part - time and so I arranged for her to drive into Newbury shortly after 9.00am in order to find some kind of Office Company who were able to Fax the notes through to Colin Miles about 30 minutes before his printing deadline. A pretty close call!!!!! :shock: :lol:

Re: Hank Marvin new cd?

Postby drakula63 » 09 May 2021, 16:57

If I may steer the thread off topic for a moment. Same thing happened to me in 1993. The Bristol Post was doing a feature to celebrate Doctor Who's 30th anniversary. I lived nowhere near Bristol but had helped to arrange an event at the Bristol Watershed a year or so earlier. Anyway, somehow they got my name and phone number and one of the sub editors phoned me up one morning and asked if I could write an article about Doctor Who and let them have it... the following day! I thought it was a bit cheeky of them but, as I can't say no, I agreed. I spoke to my friend at the BFI and he said "Make sure you get them to pay you." Anyway, I wrote this article, with little or no prep, and the following morning I went to a printers shop (in Grimsby) where I knew the owners. I asked them if I could use their fax machine. However... beforehand I phoned up the newspaper in Bristol, spoke to the sub ed and said something like "I've got the article here, all finished and about to send. Could we just agree on a fee?" We agreed on a fee and with a verbal agreement, I sent the article. A cheque arrived a few days later. I got a copy of the article, a double page centre spread, and, guess what, they hadn't put my name on it or thanked me. Maybe if I'd done it for free they would have! Oh well. So, if anyone here has that article - from November 1993 - I wrote it!

Back on topic!

I too am surprised that Hank has the power to veto such a release as surely the tapes are owned by EMI or Parlophone or Warners now?
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Re: Hank Marvin new cd?

Postby Arpeggio » 09 May 2021, 17:08

Incredibly, they do have the power to do so. It is because of some kind of legal agreement signed around the time of "The Shadows At Abbey Road". Broadly speaking, it is all tied up with whether or not artists are happy (or not) with releases being put out under their name. To be perfectly frank....Brian and Hank are not really bothered at all (although Hank no longer wishes "Happy Birthday To You" to be reissued & has issues with "Guitar Syndicate")....so they are happy for Bruce / Brian Goode to deal with it all. Again, I think that tells us all we need to know. :( :lol:

Re: Hank Marvin new cd?

Postby Iain Purdon » 10 May 2021, 08:27

Leaving aside the legalities of who owns what, I sympathise with any artiste who wishes to have a say in which bits of his/her material are made available. I'm sure any of us who has made recordings in the past will know what it's like to revisit old stuff. Sometimes it's pleasantly reassuring, other times it's just cringeworthy. If Hank, or Bruce, or Brian, do not want something to be issued, or reissued, why should anyone else override their wishes?
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Re: Hank Marvin new cd?

Postby Moderne » 10 May 2021, 09:01

When Hank was interviewed in 1983 by Radio 1 for the Guitar Greats programme, he said that he was "very pleased with the result of that (Hank Marvin Guitar Syndicate) album". I know this was nearly 40 years ago, however it seems sad that he's subsequently become dissatisfied with it and might block attempts to re-release it. I like it now, although with the arrogance of youth I thought it sounded like '70s lift music when I first heard it - aged 18! It's very much 'of its time'...

...and time moves on. I know Brian Goode and Outrider Management are still listed on the interweb, but surely he's of a similar age to Hank and Bruce (both 80 later this year). Does he still manage Hank/The Shadows' financial affairs?
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Re: Hank Marvin new cd?

Postby Fenderman » 10 May 2021, 17:53

drakula63 wrote:
Arpeggio wrote:I remember reading a comment somewhere (but I cannot recall the precise details) that, for whatever reason/s, Hank was ultimately dissatisfied with his "Guitar Syndicate" project. He was most unhappy that it came out on CD (See For Miles) apparently. So....I would guess that he would not sanction any kind of reissue of it nowadays.

That's a shame. The See For Miles CD goes for silly prices now on ebay and, personally, I thought they ruined the front cover by sticking old black and white pics of Hank all over it. It looked tacky and just wrong. I think it's a great album - as good as any of the solo albums he made during the '90s, better in most cases. One day I might splash out on the See For Miles CD, but at the moment you can't seem to get one for less than about £24 or £35. A bit much.

I remember buying that on CD in Tower Records in Glasgow about 20 years ago, mines is also a SFM release but the cover is just a straight copy of the original artwork with no added photos.
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Re: Hank Marvin new cd?

Postby bgohara » 12 May 2021, 10:18

Fenderman wrote:
drakula63 wrote:
Arpeggio wrote:I remember reading a comment somewhere (but I cannot recall the precise details) that, for whatever reason/s, Hank was ultimately dissatisfied with his "Guitar Syndicate" project. He was most unhappy that it came out on CD (See For Miles) apparently. So....I would guess that he would not sanction any kind of reissue of it nowadays.

That's a shame. The See For Miles CD goes for silly prices now on ebay and, personally, I thought they ruined the front cover by sticking old black and white pics of Hank all over it. It looked tacky and just wrong. I think it's a great album - as good as any of the solo albums he made during the '90s, better in most cases. One day I might splash out on the See For Miles CD, but at the moment you can't seem to get one for less than about £24 or £35. A bit much.

I remember buying that on CD in Tower Records in Glasgow about 20 years ago, mines is also a SFM release but the cover is just a straight copy of the original artwork with no added photos.

Are you sure, Roy? The only SFM cd release that I am aware of was a straight cd version of the LP cover they used - 1977 front cover plus some pretty naff black and white photos of Hank, as others have said
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