The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community


Postby Sothall Mike » 20 Sep 2020, 17:03

Hi everyone hope your all keeping well and managing to keep safe and not all going ga-ga with all the restrictions of late.
Anyway, we have been keeping in touch with the Hyde Park Club and after having a meeting with them it has been decided that they would like us to have a trial meeting on Sunday the 18th of October, providing that the Government restrictions do not change. The current restrictions are for approximately 30 people in the Concert Room. Only using the main entrance, recording contact details of everyone attending, wearing face masks on arriving and social distancing. Please note that the bar in the Concert Room will not be open, but the bar in the Games Room/Public bar will be open. We can provide Tea, Coffee at the usual price of 50p - but you will need to bring your own cup/mug. As we will be providing our own tea, coffee, milk, sugar and biscuits and the room hire of £50.00 we are reluctantly increasing the fee for players to £3.00 and will be charging non players £1.00. We will still be having the raffle as usual. As this is a trial meeting we will only be playing to backing tracks on this occasion. The club will be open from 12.30 pm. Due to the restrictions on numbers please let me or Pete Whyles know if you are interested in attending. My number is 0114 3278508 or 07983603250 and Peter's number is 01909 562831. Any further changes will be posted on this site. If there are any members that you know who do not follow us on this web site please feel free to let them know.

Best wishes to everyone and we hope to see you all in October.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns.

Mike Kilner
Sothall Mike
Posts: 217
Joined: 29 Aug 2013, 14:07
Location: Sheffield

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