The Shadows 60th Musings

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The Shadows 60th Musings

Postby Arpeggio » 13 Sep 2020, 14:20

I think that we are all generally agreed that the TV documentary about the Shadows' 60th Anniversary (More accurately 60 years since their chart breakthrough with "Apache") was pretty good overall. As far as I am concerned (and doubtless everyone else on this site), the Shadows are still one of the most important acts in the history of British Popular Music.

So, what other coverage was there in the musical press? Precious little. I had been in touch with both Record Collector and Vintage Rock WELL in advance of the event with ideas / suggestions for 60th Anniversary features. I received NO response at all. I have also been in touch with Yours - Retro. Same result. That particular magazine had one of their own staffers do a feature (with predictable results) - but at least there WAS a feature. I know they do sometimes employ outside 'subject experts' - so I was disappointed to hear nothing from them.

And what of Warner Music (who now own the Shadows' back catalogue)? What an opportunity for them to do something. I know for a fact that Jim Nugent did an enormous amount of work 'pitching' the idea of The Shadows at EMI - The Later Years (1967 - 1980) to follow on from the Early Years (1959 - 1966). An enormous amount of work. Tim Chacksfield (& myself) were very supportive - although Tim no longer has the direct influence that he formerly had. Leo's Den were also firmly behind it. I do not think that Jim (although he will correct me if he reads this) even had so much as an acknowledgement of any kind.

Following on from the very successful Shadows At The BBC on Warner Music, I put together a tremendous amount of information with regard to a potential follow up. All I ever heard in reply was a single sentence email thaking me for my interest in such a project. No further communication...despite a couple of very polite follow up emails from me.

So....what have Warner Music released in celebration of 60 years of the Shadows? Absolutely NOTHING AT ALL. Zilch. Personally, I think it is appalling. It seems that they were not even willing to let another reissue label pursue the ideas put forward by Jim & myself. All that will seemingly appear is a totally bog-standard compilation (under the Petticoats and Dreamboats banner) of bog-standard material that every real fan will own at least tens of times over. The proverbial 'cheap as chips'. I mean, I wasn't particularly enamoured of the Cliff Richard & The Shadows 60th Anniversary release in 2019 - but at least that was prominent and TV Advertised. Aren't the Shads even worthy of that? Seemingly not.

Re: The Shadows 60th Musings

Postby Iain Purdon » 13 Sep 2020, 15:24

I know ...

I can only add that my own experience of Warner confirms your account, Rob. They were initially very co-operative in reissuing the CD with the correct tracks. However, they had been ordered to do so by Tim Davie, with whom I had initially raised the matter. (He is now the BBC DG, by the way.). After doing that, as the saying goes, "they stopped returning my calls!"

Clearly we were simply a problem to be solved. Once we had been, we ceased to matter.

That's the commercial world I guess...

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Re: The Shadows 60th Musings

Postby anniv 63 » 13 Sep 2020, 17:50

Personally, I dumped Record Collector in the dustbin quite a while back when I politely asked for a possible advertising discount for quite a few collectable items I wanted listing. Sorry not given please pay standard rate!!
Vintage Rock did produce quite a good article on Brian Locking some time back, so why no interest in the Shadows at this particular time? Doubt if I will renew subscription shortly as it has become orientated on hard core and obscure rock and roll that is not to my interest.

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Re: The Shadows 60th Musings

Postby iefje » 13 Sep 2020, 23:38

Arpeggio wrote:I think that we are all generally agreed that the TV documentary about the Shadows' 60th Anniversary (More accurately 60 years since their chart breakthrough with "Apache") was pretty good overall. As far as I am concerned (and doubtless everyone else on this site), the Shadows are still one of the most important acts in the history of British Popular Music.

So, what other coverage was there in the musical press? Precious little. I had been in touch with both Record Collector and Vintage Rock WELL in advance of the event with ideas / suggestions for 60th Anniversary features. I received NO response at all. I have also been in touch with Yours - Retro. Same result. That particular magazine had one of their own staffers do a feature (with predictable results) - but at least there WAS a feature. I know they do sometimes employ outside 'subject experts' - so I was disappointed to hear nothing from them.

And what of Warner Music (who now own the Shadows' back catalogue)? What an opportunity for them to do something. I know for a fact that Jim Nugent did an enormous amount of work 'pitching' the idea of The Shadows at EMI - The Later Years (1967 - 1980) to follow on from the Early Years (1959 - 1966). An enormous amount of work. Tim Chacksfield (& myself) were very supportive - although Tim no longer has the direct influence that he formerly had. Leo's Den were also firmly behind it. I do not think that Jim (although he will correct me if he reads this) even had so much as an acknowledgement of any kind.

Following on from the very successful Shadows At The BBC on Warner Music, I put together a tremendous amount of information with regard to a potential follow up. All I ever heard in reply was a single sentence email thaking me for my interest in such a project. No further communication...despite a couple of very polite follow up emails from me.

So....what have Warner Music released in celebration of 60 years of the Shadows? Absolutely NOTHING AT ALL. Zilch. Personally, I think it is appalling. It seems that they were not even willing to let another reissue label pursue the ideas put forward by Jim & myself. All that will seemingly appear is a totally bog-standard compilation (under the Petticoats and Dreamboats banner) of bog-standard material that every real fan will own at least tens of times over. The proverbial 'cheap as chips'. I mean, I wasn't particularly enamoured of the Cliff Richard & The Shadows 60th Anniversary release in 2019 - but at least that was prominent and TV Advertised. Aren't the Shads even worthy of that? Seemingly not.

Warner Music is probably run nowadays by young people who have absolutely no connection with music from the past and don't share the same sentiment as us fans. I don't expect any big archive release anymore. I would be surprised if one would appear in the near future.
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Re: The Shadows 60th Musings

Postby MikeAB » 14 Sep 2020, 10:39

I take Retro and also contacted them about doing a Shads follow up maybe on their later years etc - and suggested they interviewed Bruce. I did get a nice response saying they would put it on their list for consideration - but that'll be it I expect.

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Re: The Shadows 60th Musings

Postby drakula63 » 14 Sep 2020, 12:48

Iain Purdon wrote:I know ...

I can only add that my own experience of Warner confirms your account, Rob. They were initially very co-operative in reissuing the CD with the correct tracks. However, they had been ordered to do so by Tim Davie, with whom I had initially raised the matter. (He is now the BBC DG, by the way.). After doing that, as the saying goes, "they stopped returning my calls!"

Clearly we were simply a problem to be solved. Once we had been, we ceased to matter.

That's the commercial world I guess...


That's interesting. I thought I recognised the name.

A couple of years ago I sent a HUGE file to the BBC for a 'The Shadows at the BBC' TV compilation programme - I actually sent it to two or three people. Needless to say... I didn't receive even one reply or acknowledgement. Maybe I will try again and send it to Mr Davie instead? I gather he means business and is already kicking some backsides at the Beeb. Hopefully he can sort out the unholy mess that is Doctor Who. Anyway, I shall probably drop him a line... since he now has form as far as positive action regarding the Shads goes!
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Re: The Shadows 60th Musings

Postby GoldenStreet » 14 Sep 2020, 15:49

drakula63 wrote:
Anyway, I shall probably drop him a line... since he now has form as far as positive action regarding the Shads goes!

Good luck with that, although you may well receive an acknowledgement of your efforts...

Now that Tim Davie is way up there, I suppose he is more than likely to simply delegate responsibility for a reply to someone lower down the chain of command, hopefully to an individual with more than a passing interest in the subject!

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Re: The Shadows 60th Musings

Postby DustyShoes » 17 Sep 2020, 10:16

The 60th doco was an enjoyable watch that's for sure.
We as followers also have had two important CD's released recently and I'm sure these have been
snapped up from a favourite music retailer. I am of course talking about FBI & Live at the BBC.
Serious Shadows followers will of course like to see this important anniversary acknowledged
by the bands record company and the music press.
Now that Melody Maker was merged into rival NME whose plan then for survival was to see this
tabloid of record transition into a .com presence then the ultimate humiliation a free giveaway,
I no longer know if there is a British print media presence specializing in reporting music events,
bands and musicians any longer, but if there are, I'll wager, that The Shadows, and as important
as they are in the history of British Popular music, will not feature high on their editors to do list.
The same could be said for the record companies I would imagine.
It seems like a discourtesy when no response to the messages we send is forthcoming,
but, that is how its been for quite a while now - they just don't do that any more.
Even unsuccessful job applications can often lack a response.
The Shadows band members have been awarded honors and presented with these at,
The Palace, save for Hank Marvin, who preferred to decline his award.
Acknowledgments have not been slow in forthcoming over the years.
The music industry is focused on the now and the immediate future, music acts that were
headliners sixty years ago, present possible, difficulties in accommodating in their plans.
I have to be frank here, I dont think they really care - not any more.
Perhaps if The Shadows current management organization had made an approach
to the media, perhaps a paper with a general readership, such as The Guardian
the results may have been more rewarding - who knows.

Re: The Shadows 60th Musings

Postby neil2726 » 17 Sep 2020, 10:40

Afriad to say, but I still see articles where the writers seem to think that the 60s began with the Beatles!
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Re: The Shadows 60th Musings

Postby MikeAB » 17 Sep 2020, 11:38

From what I see of the younger generation I find I don't want them to enjoy 'my' music anyway - they don't deserve to. Sneers about Prog Rock don't help either.

Let them have their vulgar rapping, the screaming, the screeching, and endlessly repeated phrase computer drop ins.
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