Getting involved

Welcome to the East Yorks message board. You are most welcome to come along to our club meeting once a month please bring your Guitar nothing else needed.

Getting involved

Postby greenteam » 28 Aug 2020, 23:20

Hi there to whoever it may concern.
I have an interest in getting involved with the club, meeting and playing with like minded people. I live in Scarborough. I would really appreciate it if someone could help.

Re: Getting involved

Postby rogera » 29 Aug 2020, 11:22

Hello David,

You have a great club called the East Yorkshire Shadows club which meets in Scarborough.
If you look in the Club Forums section you will see it and you can contact them through that.

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Re: Getting involved

Postby Iain Purdon » 29 Aug 2020, 14:20

Hello David

You should hear from them in a few days.

All good wishes - Iain
Iain Purdon
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Re: Getting involved

Postby old romantic » 29 Aug 2020, 17:42

Good evening to you,
I have sent you a message.
Regards Linda
old romantic
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Joined: 16 Sep 2009, 16:50

Re: Club Re-opening

Postby chris mcbain » 19 Jun 2021, 17:54

Hello East coast shads club.
Now that we are hopefully on the right side of this Covid Virus and we are now allowed to mix and gather a little more,is there any plans for the club to re-open
albeit with restricted access and contact, I have never been to the club so have no idea of the size of the venue and if the club can keep to the distance rules etc, any ideas and thoughts about if this is going to happen.

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Re: Getting involved

Postby old romantic » 24 Aug 2021, 18:35

Hi Chris,
We are in the process of arranging our next meetings. I will send you a message with my phone number on.
Regards Linda
old romantic
Posts: 206
Joined: 16 Sep 2009, 16:50

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