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Re: book

Postby manofmystery » 20 Jul 2020, 20:48

You're £10.95 out of pocket. That would have gone toward a CD you didn't have!
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Re: book

Postby drakula63 » 20 Jul 2020, 21:44

GoldenStreet wrote:
drakula63 wrote:Since I am reckless and irresponsible with money... I've ordered a copy. What's the worst that can happen...?

Not discover anything you didn't already know? ;)


Strangely enough, I wouldn't be at all surprised if, while reading it, I discover at least ONE thing that I didn't already know. Then I'll come on here to find out if it's true or not!
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Re: book

Postby drakula63 » 25 Jul 2020, 08:54

Yeah... it's pretty poor. Calling it a 'book' is being charitable at best and downright dishonest at worst! There's no flow to it at all, it's just a load of facts presented in unconnected paragraphs and in somewhat random order. To be fair, it does cover just about everything (although the early '70s are skirted around) and is full of little nuggets of information (most of which we already knew). However... as predicted... the 'book' did contain ONE thing that I didn't know. And I quote: "Even the Beatles weren't as popular in Belgrade as the Shadows were." Vladimir Jankovic, Yugoslav musician.

So there we are. Not a complete waste of money then. And there are loads of photos, some of which (OK, a couple of which!) I don't think I'd seen before.
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Re: book

Postby GoldenStreet » 25 Jul 2020, 15:08

drakula63 wrote:However... as predicted... the 'book' did contain ONE thing that I didn't know. And I quote: "Even the Beatles weren't as popular in Belgrade as the Shadows were." Vladimir Jankovic, Yugoslav musician.

Fair comment... I shall, of course, always bear that fact (or perception, maybe?) in mind! :)

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