Hank says no

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Re: Hank says no

Postby SandChannel » 03 Jul 2020, 12:58

Hank might be a Vampire.

Re: Hank says no

Postby andykombi » 03 Jul 2020, 14:53

He has a Porsche in aus. If you seen the recent tv programme
Posts: 108
Joined: 24 Oct 2009, 13:08

Re: Hank says no

Postby bor64 » 03 Jul 2020, 17:08

I know, he loves to drive.
When he lived in Swan valley (hour drive north east of Perth) he used a Range Rover.
When he still lived next door of Brian, he drove a BMW 635CSI amongst others.
When touring in 2004 and the UK part of 2009 he loved staying in a hotel in a central position of 4 or 5 gigs with Carol and droves to the theatres.
Made stops in places they remember from way back and also visit family....He told me he relaxes of a 4 or 5 hours drive along country roads.
So it's save to say Hank enjoys driving.

Cheers Rob


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