The Shadows At Sixty

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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby Iain Purdon » 06 May 2020, 10:45

I think the 60 refers to the 60th anniversary of Apache. Of course the Shadows existed before that but Apache is what put them on the map for the public at large.
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby GoldenStreet » 06 May 2020, 11:48

As the title of the programme (produced in 2019) is open to so many interpretations, I suggest it could mark the 60th anniversary of Jet and Hank's legendary summer scooter excursion to the Six Bells in Ruislip. Who knows?

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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby abstamaria » 06 May 2020, 18:12

The Shadows at 60 did confirm a few things about Apache.

1. They used a Chinese drum.
2. They did find it in a storeroom under the stairs.
3. Cliff did play the drum throughout (but they muted him when the melody played!).

We had a discussion here about no. 3, so I am glad Cliff settled that.

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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby andykombi » 06 May 2020, 23:56

No mention of the rapiers or the runaways 2 shadows bands that have put shadows music on the map world wide
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby dave robinson » 07 May 2020, 02:00

andykombi wrote:No mention of the rapiers or the runaways 2 shadows bands that have put shadows music on the map world wide

The Shadows don't need tribute outfits to justify their existence. The two bands mentioned are very good, but in the big scheme of things are miniscule. :|
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby Hank2k » 07 May 2020, 08:25

The Runaways were interviewed for this apparently. The production team attended one of their gigs and took lots of video etc. Sadly none was used but they did receive a credit at the end titles

Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby drakula63 » 07 May 2020, 08:35

I think it's going a bit far to suggest that the Rapiers and the Runaways helped to put the Shadows on the map, worldwide! I'd suggest that the Shadows did a pretty fair job of that themselves!

However... this goes to support what I said about there probably being tons of footage for this documentary that ended up on the cutting room floor and how it would be great to see it all included on a DVD release. Or do we think that John Farrar only made two comments that totalled about ten seconds? An extended version of the documentary (or just the existing version but with all the additional/unused footage on as unedited extras), plus all the music clips in their entirety and in their correct picture aspect ratio would be great. I'd buy it. And I bet everyone reading this post would too... and a few thousand others.
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby Twilight Ranger » 07 May 2020, 09:02

drakula63 wrote:I think it's going a bit far to suggest that the Rapiers and the Runaways helped to put the Shadows on the map, worldwide!

It sure is! I have never heard of the Rapiers and the Runaways. :)
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby andykombi » 07 May 2020, 10:08

Ok hank 2 .i didn't see the credits as i went to bed
I was a bit far to suggest what i said.
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby Tigerdaisy » 08 May 2020, 09:37

drakula63 wrote:Playing Davil's Advocate, I can well imagine that the BBC were 'unenthusiastic about the Shadows' because they knew that theirs was not going to be a story of sex, drugs and smashing up hotel rooms. Also, it wouldn't sell in America. What it would be, however, would be a story of rock n' roll pioneers, generally good behaviour, musical perfection and huge success and influence around the world (apart from America!), in the days before the Beatles. To some degree this goes against the popular belief, often pushed by the Beeb, that pop music didn't exist before the Beatles invented it. That, I suspect, is the reasoning behind their alleged reluctance. Also, possibly , their close link to a certain singer who has cost the Beeb a lot of money.

I'll admit that I find it very odd that the BBC would go to an independent production company and ask them which bands 'hadn't been done yet'. By this, I am assuming that they meant which bands had not had documentaries about them made by and shown by the BBC. A little odd, don't you think? Shouldn't they themselves know? It would be like someone going to a complete stranger and saying "Excuse me... how many children do I have?" The reply... "If you don't know, how should I?"

Anyway, it's been made. It'll be on BBC FOUR one week from today and hopefully it will finally (FINALLY!) give the Shadows the exposure and recognition and acknowledgement that they deserve - in terms of a TV documentary. And, yes, I shall probably be watching it at both 9.30 pm and then 1.30 in the morning!

Yes, I think you hit the nail directly and squarely on the head, re the BBC.
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