The Tyneside Shadows Guitar Club Summer Festival 2020

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

The Tyneside Shadows Guitar Club Summer Festival 2020

Postby jimb49 » 17 Mar 2020, 10:58

The Tyneside and Northumberland Shadows Guitar Clubs announce with regret the cancellation of the forthcoming Summer Festival of Shadows Music 2020. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic it has been decided to follow the current government policy to reduce the spread of the virus particularly among one of the most at risk groups,(the over 70's) who form a major proportion of supporters of the event. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to anyone who has already made travel arrangements but feel that this is the correct decision in the current circumstances.
We are grateful for your support in all past events and hope we can rely on your continued support for future events once this crisis has past.

Best wishes

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The Tyneside and Northumberland Guitar Clubs
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Re: The Tyneside Shadows Guitar Club Summer Festival 2020

Postby Iain Purdon » 17 Mar 2020, 21:39

Good decision. Absolutely the right course of action. I was looking forward to it but all in good time!

Cheers - Iain
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Re: The Tyneside Shadows Guitar Club Summer Festival 2020

Postby dave robinson » 17 Mar 2020, 22:02

Good decision guys, it can be rescheduled, lives cannot.
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Re: The Tyneside Shadows Guitar Club Summer Festival 2020

Postby TonyA » 20 Mar 2020, 21:25

Obviously the same must apply to our weekly meetings.

We shall keep you informed of when we are able to commence our

Re: The Tyneside Shadows Guitar Club Summer Festival 2020

Postby martcaster » 21 Mar 2020, 00:17

Gutted not to be a part of this great celebration of 'the world's greatest music'. More so, not to be amongst so many good friends; but, we are where we are. So, my dear good friends,
keep safe, keep listening and keep practising.
All love,
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Re: The Tyneside Shadows Guitar Club Summer Festival 2020

Postby TonyA » 04 May 2020, 22:15

We would normally be getting ready for next weekend.

We (hopefully) can start to prepare for 2021, and would Love to see you again,

Keep watching and stay safe.

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