Zoom G3Xn with my patches NOW SOLD

Looking for either a home or the bin

Zoom G3Xn with my patches NOW SOLD

Postby dave robinson » 03 Jul 2021, 23:19

Hi everyone, I recently sold my spare G3Xn & G3n but I am moving on my working G3Xn as I have opted for the larger G5n because of it's larger capacity and I now have two of them, so I'm sorted.
So, there's one as new, still boxed Zoom G3Xn with my new patches available for £120 plus shipping. Collection welcome. :)
Dave Robinson
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dave robinson
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Re: Zoom G3Xn with my patches NOW SOLD

Postby artyman » 09 Jul 2021, 00:51

Have sent you a PM
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Joined: 03 Jan 2018, 11:55
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