Quarry Bank Music Club

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Quarry Bank Music Club

Postby RUSSET » 08 Oct 2015, 17:49

For those who live around the Dudley, Stourbridge area of the West Midlands, there is a new music club at Sheffield Street, Quarry Bank, Dudley, West Midlands. It meets in the Quarry Bank Community Centre twice a month on a Monday evening from 7.00pm til late. It is quite informal & is open to anyone of any age who likes to play music. No one is judged on content or ability, & it is a great friendly place just to talk with other musicians, & get up on the stage & play if you want to. They have a Facebook page for further info.

Re: Quarry Bank Music Club

Postby RUSSET » 10 Jan 2016, 19:21

Further to my original post, The club has now got it's own PA & 4 Radio mikes & stands, as well as a club drum kit, & a Laney amp stack & a bass combo. So, all you really need is your instrument & pedals, if used. Many different styles of music played, inc. some Shads/Ventures etc.
Membership is growing monthly. Meetings at 7.30pm on the first & third Monday of each month.


Re: Quarry Bank Music Club

Postby Stratpicker » 18 Jan 2016, 13:38

Is it secret?! Lol
Don't do Facebook.
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Re: Quarry Bank Music Club

Postby RUSSET » 22 Jan 2016, 14:21

Me neither, Ian. I can't be bothered with it. Although the club has many members who have Facebook a/cs. &find it useful for keeping up with what's going on etc. The committee chairman keeps trying to persuade me to have an a/c., but I'm not interested.


Re: Quarry Bank Music Club

Postby noelford » 22 Jan 2016, 15:07

Let me say something about FaceBook. I was once very anti but needed to sign up to access some material. However, I now know that, though I would still run a million miles to avoid much of the stuff people use it for, it is VERY useful (and enjoyable) when using it for private groups. I use it for several of these, including a page about my old home town, our guitar club and my own cartoonists' page. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater and don't let prejudice rule your choices unreservedly - used sensibly, FaceBook is an excellent utility.

Re: Quarry Bank Music Club - Zoom Conf. call meetings

Postby RUSSET » 16 May 2020, 07:40

Just to say that in these mad times with this lockdown going on, the Q B Club has now started to meet online via the Zoom Conference call App. This will have to do until we are back to normal again & can meet face too face. It is mainly a chat time, but with occasional bursts of individual performance online by members. Of course, we can't all join in at the same time as there is a latency of signal, so the timings would be out with each other, but those who have backing tracks at home can use them & give a reasonable individual performance.
The meeting is called by a moderator, our club chairman, & he invites each member who dials in & allows them on screen.
It works OK, & is a good substitute for us while this lockdown is on. It is good fun & keeps us in touch with our friends.


Re: Quarry Bank Music Club

Postby shindigman » 23 May 2021, 19:18

As many of you may know we lost my lifelong dear mate Tony (RUSSET) he had a heart attack on Jan 17th this year (2021) just 2 days after his 75th birthday, we grew up together, sat on the doorsteps eating jam and banana sandwiches together, went to school together, primary and grammar schools, learned to play guitar together to 40 miles of bad road etc, had a shadows band for 25 or so years, I started the QB music club 6 years ago and it has been a life saver to many retired players singers, wannabees, and bedroom players and has given a lot of pleasure to a lot of folk, I have organized several concerts using the club members and we have raised a lot of money for worthwhile causes.
I would love to start a Shadows club meeting once each month but I had a poor response on 'Join my band' just 2 bass players and 2 drummers, I play lead and would love to hear from anyone in the Dudley/Stourbridge/Halesowen or surrounding areas areas in the west Midlands who might like to be part of a monthly Shadows jam meeting, with backing tracks or live jamming, I have a great venue with a stage, PA, Roland drums, get in touch if anyone is interested.

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