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The Stones at Glasto

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2013, 21:40
by geoff1711
Hi All

I'm on hols down in the South of France and just seen yesterdays Stones performance on iPad catch up, there has been some discussion over the last couple of years as to whether some of the 60's icons had maybe past their "sell by dates".

Mick Jagger and crew still have it in spades!

I'm looking forward to Springstien tomorrow night.



Re: The Stones at Glasto

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2013, 18:54
by Risky
Sorry, but watching them on stage was one of the saddest things I have ever seen. They looked like extras from a zombie film.

Re: The Stones at Glasto

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2013, 20:16
by geoff1711
OK so Keef looks like he's been dead for the last 15 years, and Ronnie is a bit craggy but they were all lively and Jagger could hit all the notes and they sounded just like the Stones.

Mick J is almost 70 and dances round the stage like someone half his age.

Ronnie and Keef can still weave seamlessly in and out of each others playing.

Saddly I've lost the link tonight and can't pich up Springstein


Re: The Stones at Glasto

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2013, 20:59
by Uncleboko
There is a very young Irish band called The Strypes who model themselves on The Stones/Yardbirds/Animals around 1964 and do it very well indeed.

Amazing because they look about 14!

Re: The Stones at Glasto

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2013, 00:44
by Twang46
Risky wrote:Sorry, but watching them on stage was one of the saddest things I have ever seen. They looked like extras from a zombie film.

Oh Dear............

I thought they were great, they were never a "pretty" band even "way back when" ;)

The music was great, seasoned "pro's" to a man........................ the greatest rock & roll band ever ? .........................still going after 50 years with everybody but Brian still in action.

Does it really matter what they look like ?


ps did you see "Keef" give Mick Taylor his fag to hold when it was his turn to play a lead break, classic 8-)

Re: The Stones at Glasto

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2013, 11:14
by anniv 63
Well I know we have seen more attractive faces on pre historic monsters , but you have to admit that Messrs
Jagger , Richard and Wood have lean mean bodies to die for (er?) as they approach 70!!!!!
I know they prance around like dafties on stage but that takes some energy and physical condition, so I would
definetly like a copy of their diet sheet rather than a song sheet!!!
One disgusting habit R and W have, is lighting up fags on stage , taking a few puffs then spitting out, not a
good example to todays youth !!!
Bad boys pack them off to bed with no supper!!!


Re: The Stones at Glasto

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2013, 05:18
by steve.t
hi, age can be a bit of a downer,to some more than others! I saw springsteen(again) at coventry & for a 63 y.o he still rocks! Took my good lady to see robbie williams at wembley last weekend & i know which one of those two ought to retire gracefully!(Take That) :D

Re: The Stones at Glasto

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2013, 10:06
by Pinner Fan
Keef now seems to have developed quite a paunch now, so not the 'slender' Keef of the past.
Also Keef looked totally bored during several numbers, sometimes stopping playing altogether on songs such as Miss You.

Jagger may look the part but if one concentrates on his vocals they are pretty awful.
Mind you he has been like this for a couple of decades now.

Sadly tribute bands such as The Counterfeit Stones are far far better, yes really.
The vocalists are far better and the Keef characters master the riffs and tuning far better than Keef does now.

Re: The Stones at Glasto

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2013, 11:08
by MartcasterJunior
I think it depends what you want - or expect - to see.

If you want a band with the fire and energy of the Stones in their late 60s/early 70s heyday, you're going to have to go and see a tribute band. If you want to see THE Rolling Stones do what they do now, with the spectacle that that brings with it, then the option is there (briefly).

I don't really understand what people who come away disappointed are expecting from a bunch of musicians in or approaching their 70s who tour infrequently. It's not like they haven't done the same things in the same way on every tour they've done for the past 25 years.


Re: The Stones at Glasto

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2013, 12:50
by cockroach
I doubt whether many people ever foresaw a group lasting that long...nobody thought they'd be going for more than 2-3 years!

Mind you, from watching live footage over the years, and seeing them once live years ago, it has become common for many acts, original golden oldies and otherwise, to use a lot of supporting musicians and singers for live concerts..

I saw John Fogerty a few years ago, and he was amazing for 60-something, but he also had about three other guitarists playing, as well as singers, keyboards etc

In the old days , if it was a three, four or five piece group, that was what you saw on stage..