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Say no to 0870, 0845 etc. etc.

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2013, 20:34
by alanbakewell
I have, what I consider to be a splendid deal with Sky that allows me to ring many places throughout the world at any time at no extra cost.
I've just caught her indoors trying to contact Homebase five miles down the road and she's about to ring 0845 something or other. :cry: :cry: :shock:
OI, MRS. B. NO! says I. I'll find you a "proper" number to ring 'em on. Which brings me nicely to the point.
How many of you lovely people ring these blasted 0845 numbers because you think there is no alternative? Well there is.
Type "Say no to 0870" or "Say no to 0845". The instructions on the site are self explanatory.

Somebody reaps a profit from you ringing these numbers. This site was set up to avoid, ( where possible ), paying over the odds for phone calls when
it's not nescessary to do so.

If you need any more help with this please call me on 0845.................( Just kidding ).

Cheers, Alan.

Re: Say no to 0870, 0845 etc. etc.

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2013, 21:33
by JimN
Nice one, Alan.

I too have the Sky deal, which allows for free calls, 24/7 to landlines almost anywhere in the civilised world, and even to cell-phones in the USA. Not "reduced price", mind: free.

Well done,


Re: Say no to 0870, 0845 etc. etc.

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2013, 00:06
by roninnes
The "Say no to 0870 "etc works really well as it will usually have an alternative number.