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The uke is mightier than ..... the Orange?

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2013, 16:14
by Alan Prudhoe
I thought I had better post this here as it is not Shadows related.

i would appreciate your support in my mini-campaign against major conglomerates who treat their customers like dirt.
Please watch. like and leave a comment if you wish.

"The story is true folks - I Know - I was that customer" :D

Re: The uke is mightier than ..... the Orange?

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2013, 19:03
by Ubique
:lol: :lol: :lol: Brilliant!

Re: The uke is mightier than ..... the Orange?

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2013, 19:18
by anniv 63
"The Gaffer" Big Rick Branson fixed it for me eventually via The Phillipines, India, and Bellshill Scotland!!

Re: The uke is mightier than ..... the Orange?

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2013, 22:48
by Mikey
Haven't heard a good "protest song" in a while and that was a great one!

Re: The uke is mightier than ..... the Orange?

PostPosted: 11 Feb 2013, 11:01
by Alan Prudhoe
Thanks Folks. I have had some great messages of support from all over the world - and 250 hits on YouTube in the first day.

Re: The uke is mightier than ..... the Orange?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2013, 13:39
by Alan Prudhoe
They still haven't bothered replying, even though I have copied my last 2 emails to their CEO. Sign of the times I suppose.
It makes me laugh when I see surveys reporting a drop in customer complaints for various Broadband suppliers.
How can you complain if you can't get through by telephone and they ignore emails ?

Re: The uke is mightier than ..... the Orange?

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2013, 10:29
by Alan Prudhoe
Still no contact from Orange so - it being Valentine's day today - I thought I would send them an audio story of lost love.
I've called it 40 Shades of Orange - an old man's struggle against the corporate bully boys.

Re: The uke is mightier than ..... the Orange?

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2013, 11:37
by rogera
That was hilarious and very cleverly put together Alan.

I do hope that you get some sense from them.

Re: The uke is mightier than ..... the Orange?

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2013, 11:48
by Tony
Hi Alan, this is brilliant and hilarious..
..and may you look forward to contact with the outside world :D

best regards

Re: The uke is mightier than ..... the Orange?

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2013, 12:15
by Alan Prudhoe
Thanks guys. As someone commented on Facebook "Hell hath no fury like a pensioner scorned" :oops: :oops: