Anyone play on New Year's Eve?

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Anyone play on New Year's Eve?

Postby cockroach » 02 Jan 2013, 14:37

Just wondering...

My band and I played a NYE show for a rock'n'roll dance club - five hours of up tempo material, mainly '50's rock, but we slipped in one or two guitar instrumentals in each of the five 50 minute sets for variety- and people enjoy and appreciate them too!

Re: Anyone play on New Year's Eve?

Postby noelford » 02 Jan 2013, 14:45

New Year's Eve gigs were great. Even accepting the booking a long time ahead, you could always get at least triple your normal fee. If you were a gambler, you coulld refuse bookings right up to a few days before because there was always someone who couldn't get a band (or who had been let down) and money was no object.

At least, that's what it was like in my earlier days.

Re: Anyone play on New Year's Eve?

Postby Uncle Fiesta » 02 Jan 2013, 16:52

I haven't gigged now for a few years - but I bet it's not like that any more!
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Re: Anyone play on New Year's Eve?

Postby Iain Purdon » 02 Jan 2013, 18:08

My own experience has been that you can indeed triple your fee. However, my band has decided to be all grown-up and keep Christmas and New Year for family and friends. Nothing to do with getting on a bit. So, no gigs these days...
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Re: Anyone play on New Year's Eve?

Postby Lee Restarick » 02 Jan 2013, 20:04

It was the first time in 28 years I have not worked on New Years Eve, the last 17 of those have been solo. Unfortunately, these days, there are far too many acts and not enough venues.
2011 was the first non working Christmas Eve and as I was going out the door for my 2012 gig, my 7 year old Daughter said "do you really have to go to work Daddy?". That hit home a little, so I think I'll be reconsidering any Xmas/NYE in the future, even though as Iain mentioned, you are getting triple/quad pay.
Lee Restarick

Re: Anyone play on New Year's Eve?

Postby dave robinson » 02 Jan 2013, 20:22

I haven't worked Christmas Day for forty years, but we did a gig on new years eve, but although gigs were offered I opted not to work Xmas Eve & Boxing Day which was divine. We had the family around and a few little snifters were had, you can't beat it ! 8-)
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Re: Anyone play on New Year's Eve?

Postby Mike Honey » 02 Jan 2013, 20:32

I well remember a New years eve gig we played in 1986. We were booked by a scrap metal dealer of the travelling fraternity for 200 pounds. we got to the end and he wanted to toss a coin 'double or nothing'. Our esteemed leader said why not and fortunately called heads correctly. The guy wouldnt take no for an answer and we all felt a bit intimidated. Anyway we left the place 800 pounds richer (a good nights work!!). Dont do them now as the christmas 'circuit' here is pretty good.

Mike Honey

Re: Anyone play on New Year's Eve?

Postby rogb » 03 Jan 2013, 01:54

Most unusual NYE ever for me this year
drive to l/pool club in darkness on emergency lighting
set gear up by torch light sit round for 2 hrs take gear down get paid in full drive home having a pint& curry with wife at 11.20 result
First time I have welcomed the new year in in my own home with family in 45 yrs

Re: Anyone play on New Year's Eve?

Postby Iain Purdon » 03 Jan 2013, 22:30

The last New Year gig I did there was a dire warning notice backstage. "Living Next Door to Alice is banned in this club. Any band playing it will be asked to pack up and leave unpaid"
Given the risk to the triple fee we had to take drastic steps to avoid Smokie's great hit. Such a shame!
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Re: Anyone play on New Year's Eve?

Postby dave34346 » 04 Jan 2013, 01:38

Yeah , we did a gig at a local RAFA club and it went down very well indeed ,, there are a lot of elderly people round the area that use the club and i think most of them stayed at home .
Shame really , would have been better with a full house ,, it creates a better atmosphere.
Still, we enjoyed the night , and so did everyone we talked to .

2hours or so of live music ,, you cannot beat it.
We played a mixture of 50's and 60's rock and roll with some Cliff numbers ,, and not forgetting the Shadows instrumentals too.

Great night ,, looking forward to the next gig in 2 weeks time .



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