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The Master...

Postby JimN » 14 Dec 2012, 21:22 a well-recorded appearance from 1966 (when the Gibson Les Paul guitar was not available).

I saw that guitar (or one like it) being sold at the estate auctions in June.

Note the long low-impedance cables... and the Les Paulveriser...



Where did that link go to?

Try again...

Last edited by JimN on 14 Dec 2012, 22:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Master...

Postby rogera » 14 Dec 2012, 21:25

I don't see any attachment or link Jim.
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Re: The Master...

Postby RayL » 15 Dec 2012, 08:16

. . . and a prat like Merv Griffin - with his snide, ignorant comments and cheap laughs, actually got paid to introduce TV programs?

but getting back to the music . . . . . . presumably Les Paul originally recorded Lover prior to 1959? The influences on Duane Eddy's version of Lover (from his 1959 album Especially For You) are unmistakeable.

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Re: The Master...

Postby JimN » 15 Dec 2012, 10:35

RayL wrote:presumably Les Paul originally recorded Lover prior to 1959? The influences on Duane Eddy's version of Lover (from his 1959 album Especially For You) are unmistakeable.

Yes - Les Paul's Lover was recorded and issued in 1948. He was one of the first artistes to record for the then-new Capitol label and the recordings were made in his garage in Hollywood, on an Ampex tape-recorder given to him by Bing Crosby. A few records later, Mary Ford joined the partnership.

I think I checked out where Les lived in Hollywood (just off Sunset Boulevard). In 1948, before the growth of high rise buildings in Los Angeles, he'd possibly have been able to see the Capitol Tower being built from the rear of his house a few blocks to the west.

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Re: The Master...

Postby JimN » 15 Dec 2012, 10:39

RayL wrote:. . . and a prat like Merv Griffin - with his snide, ignorant comments and cheap laughs, actually got paid to introduce TV programs?

I'd never heard of Merv Griffin until I was sent the link for that video, but it seems clear that he was important in the development of the "chat show" as a concept. Apparently, it's all in the archive as well: an important source of historical information. There's one video on Youtube of him "auditioning" guitarist Jim Hall for the show's studio band, and Merv plays some skilful piano too.

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Re: The Master...

Postby ecca » 15 Dec 2012, 15:12

As much as I admire the man I always found his style of playing somewhat 'messy' and never really enjoyed it.
However, How high the Moon is a masterpiece.

Re: The Master...

Postby Mikey » 15 Dec 2012, 22:44

ecca wrote:However, How high the Moon is a masterpiece.

A certain Mr Beck also does a superb rendition of this number as homage to Mr Paul as I'm sure you'll agree!

Re: The Master...

Postby Uncle Fiesta » 16 Dec 2012, 01:05

I always found Les Paul a bit of a show-off.

He was very good ... but he knew it, and by golly he was going to make sure everyone else knew it too!!
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Re: The Master...

Postby donna plasky » 16 Dec 2012, 02:11

Hello. In case you might enjoy it, here is a clip from an American TV show called "What's My Line?" I don't know if you had a similar show in the UK or other countries, but this game show had a panel of celebrity judges. Each show had a segment with a mystery celebrity guest. It was basically a game of "guess who I am." The guest of honour in this episode is Les Paul.

I haven't watched this entire clip yet, but just to be fair - I don't expect he will play the guitar on this show. Hope you like it.

Kind regards,

Just found this one -- a demonstration of multi-track recording in 1953:

donna plasky

Re: The Master...

Postby cockroach » 16 Dec 2012, 12:02


A similar version of the 'What's My Line?' show was produced by BBC TV in the early-mid 1950's in the UK- I recall watching it as a kid.

Les was undoubtedly a genius and incredibly innovative thinker, player and 'doer'...

Playing wise, he was certainly 'flash' which could put some folk off, but from what I gathered from his interviews etc, he considered himself an 'entertainer' rather than a 'serious' musician, despite his great technique and musical talent.....he played to impress and entertain an audience- he wasn't a 'serious' jazzer type so he kept his material accessible- Tommy Emmanuel does the same thing today...therefore you don't have to be a guitarist or musician to appreciate and enjoy his work.

His multi-tracking innovations were incredible and influential, but in a way, he invented, and must be held responsible - for better or worse...for karaoke- both vocal and with guitars (e.g UBHank.... ;)


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