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Ecca's Royal Visitor

PostPosted: 09 Oct 2012, 18:09
by alanbakewell
Now then, many of you may not be aware that Ecca's recent activities have been closely followed by no less than Prince Charles.
His Royal Highness and the Duchess of Cornwall recently paid a visit to Highfield Hall. ( The present residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thacker ).

The visit was, ( for obvious reasons ), kept a closely guarded secret. However, more details are now being released.

The royal visitors arrived at Highfield Hall in a Rolls Royce. The royal couple were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Thacker in a manner fit
for such dignitaries.
Mrs. Thacker showed great interest ( as might be expected ),in Camilla's outfit.
Ecca showed as much, if not more, interest in Prince Charles' head gear.
"Sir, if I may so bold as to ask, why have you got a red / brown fur type garment with a tail hanging down the back, upon your head"?

"Oh", exclaimed Charles, "Do you like it"?

"It's most unusual", commented Ecca.

Charles continued, "Actually it was my Father's idea".

"Really" asked a fascinated Ecca.

"Yes indeed, he asked where Camilla and I were going today. When I replied, we're going to visit Ecca Thacker in Pelsall, his response was,

"Pelsall, wear the fox hat".

Re: Ecca's Royal Visitor

PostPosted: 09 Oct 2012, 18:27
by ecca

Re: Ecca's Royal Visitor

PostPosted: 09 Oct 2012, 20:06
by Mike Honey
Love it!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Ecca's Royal Visitor

PostPosted: 10 Oct 2012, 00:46
by dave robinson
Corker ! :lol: