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PostPosted: 06 Oct 2012, 18:41
by db133

Trying to respond to a PM and my responce keeps going into my outbox. With no way to send it.

I now have 3 in my out box how do I send it ?


Re: PM's

PostPosted: 06 Oct 2012, 19:22
by donna plasky
Hi, David. The same situation happened to me when I first joined the Forum. I believe the answer is this:

When you compose and send a PM, it initially goes into your Out Box. It will sit there until the person you sent it to logs into their In Box and retrieves it. Many people, myself included, check in on this website without logging in...when you're in a hurry, etc. The receipient of your message actually has to log in with their password and check their in box.

So in short, the person to whom you sent a PM has not logged in and checked their inbox, if your messages are still sitting in your Out Box.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Re: PM's

PostPosted: 06 Oct 2012, 19:30
by Admin
Almost right, Donna,

It's simply that when you send a PM it stays in your outbox until it is read by the recipient.

This is so you can to edit your message up to the last possible moment.


Re: PM's

PostPosted: 06 Oct 2012, 21:33
by db133
Thanks for the input,

I can understand why this systemt has not caught on ! (I spent over an hour on it !) and the receipient now has 3 copies.

I like a send button and its sent but Hey Ho

Kind regards.


Re: PM's

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 11:35
by roninnes
I do believe there is a song about that...."You can't always get what you want"
The system, admirably run by Mr Dore, has been in place for a while now and I am sure you will, like everyone else, come to understand it's differences.
I see you joined in Sept so a belated welcome to the site.

Re: PM's

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 15:25
by David Martin
roninnes wrote:I do believe there is a song about that...."You can't always get what you want"
The system, admirably run by Mr Dore, has been in place for a while now and I am sure you will, like everyone else, come to understand it's differences.
I see you joined in Sept so a belated welcome to the site.

In fact, if that's the setup you like David, just click the email button (but you won't know it's been received... whereas with pm's when it leaves your outbox, you know it's been delivered.

Re: PM's

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 17:37
by db133

Every site has its ' little ways ' its not a problem, nice to be here and thanks for 'welcome' etc.


Re: PM's

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 20:33
by Iain Purdon
You may be able to delete your duplicates from your Outbox too