Get Out Of The Habit

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Get Out Of The Habit

Postby jimuc » 30 Aug 2012, 21:55

Two priests decided to go to Hawaii on vacation.

They were determined to make this a real vacation
by not wearing anything that would identify them
as clergy. As soon as the plane landed they headed
for a store and bought some really outrageous shorts,
shirts, sandals, sunglasses, etc.

The next morning they went to the beach
dressed in their 'tourist' garb.
They were sitting on beach chairs, enjoying a drink, the sunshine and
the scenery when a 'drop dead gorgeous' topless blonde came walking
straight towards them .............They couldn't help but stare.

As the blonde passed them she smiled and said
'Good Morning, Father ~ Good Morning, Father,'
nodding and addressing each of them individually,
then she passed on by.
They were both stunned. How in the world did she know they were priests?
So the next day, they went back to the store and bought even more outrageous outfits.

Once again, in their new attire, they settled down in their chairs to enjoy
the sunshine. After a little while, the same gorgeous topless blonde came walking toward them. Again she nodded at each of them and said
'Good morning, Father ~ Good morning, Father,' and started to walk away.

One of the priests couldn't stand it any longer and said, 'Just a minute, young lady.'
'Yes, Father?'
'We are priests and proud of it, but I have to know, how in the world did you know we are priests, dressed as we are?'

She replied,

'Father, it's me, Sister Kathleen..

Re: Get Out Of The Habit

Postby donna plasky » 30 Aug 2012, 22:35

That was really funny...I didn't see the punch line coming. Thank you for posting that joke.

Kind regards,
donna plasky

Re: Get Out Of The Habit

Postby jimuc » 31 Aug 2012, 20:30

Donna_Plasky wrote:That was really funny...I didn't see the punch line coming. Thank you for posting that joke.

Kind regards,

Glad you enjoyed it Donna

Re: Get Out Of The Habit

Postby Uncle Fiesta » 02 Sep 2012, 20:19

We'll have nun of that, if you don't mind ...
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Uncle Fiesta
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Joined: 27 Apr 2012, 23:31
Location: near Gainsborough, England

Re: Get Out Of The Habit

Postby John M » 02 Sep 2012, 21:37

Reminds me of the story about the nun who was asked to leave the nunnery because of her dirty habits.
John M

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