Facebook Timeline...

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Facebook Timeline...

Postby JimN » 14 Aug 2012, 20:27

... if you don't want it (Warren), use Google Chrome as your browser (there are versions for Macs and iPads as well as for Windows) and go here:


Operating that as a plug-in ("extension") on Chrome will probably get the result you want, when you want it.
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Re: Facebook Timeline...

Postby kittycph » 14 Aug 2012, 21:12

You can also use this site: http://www.socialreviver.net/
I have used it, since they changed the chat.
There is a version to Firefox and Opera as well, but not Internet Explorer.

Re: Facebook Timeline...

Postby Shadow Steve » 15 Aug 2012, 21:16

Any idea if there is one for Apple, using an iphone most of the time with a facebook app and not via Safari?
Shadow Steve

Re: Facebook Timeline...

Postby JimN » 15 Aug 2012, 21:32

The Timeline doesn't apply on an iPhone or iPad (I use both), using the dedicated apps. Only on a device running FB in a browser.
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Re: Facebook Timeline...

Postby Shadow Steve » 19 Aug 2012, 14:12

Many thanks, that explains why I see different screens on the Ipad, iphone and the laptop when I loging, very confusing at first as I prefer the normality of the usual screen format.
Shadow Steve

Re: Facebook Timeline...

Postby David Martin » 01 Sep 2012, 22:11

The new iPad Facebook app imposes Timeline and now prevents saving pics... Annoying!
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Re: Facebook Timeline...

Postby Iain Purdon » 01 Sep 2012, 23:01

The new iPhone Facebook doesn't impose TL, prob because the screen is too small. However it does also stop you saving pics. Can't see why they would do that...
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Re: Facebook Timeline...

Postby Iain Purdon » 01 Sep 2012, 23:23

Oops I lied. It does impose Timeline but in a different form :(
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