New series of Doctor Who...

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New series of Doctor Who...

Postby drakula63 » 05 Aug 2012, 16:06

Have to admit, I am rather looking forward to the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who, 'Asylum of the Daleks', as it is set to feature at least one example of EVERY Dalek ever to grace our screens! I guess this will be the first opportunity, other than in photos, to see the William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton Daleks in colour (even if they were mainly silver with a bit of blue here and there!). I am hoping that the slightly redressed 'film' Dalek, as used in 1973's 'Planet of the Daleks' will be amongst them (black and yellow with the front end of a torch for its eye!). Another good reason for looking forward to the new series is the departure of Amy and Rory and the arrival of new companion 'Clara'. Such a shame that two of the classic series actresses, Caroline John and Mary Tamm, passed away recently at still ridiculously young ages. Hopefully they, and all the others, will be represented in clip-form when the show celebrates its big 5-0 next year!!!! (And it's not the only one!)
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