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VOX pull no punches

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2012, 09:11
by RayL
Here's the opening quote from an official '60s VOX leaflet called 'The Communicators'. Sounds like a lot of bands that I was in around that time!

If the drummer's a little rough he can get by - he won't be the first,
If the lead guitarist's new , he'll learn - you'll cover.
Rhythm can make a few slips in the course of an evening . No one will know.
And bass - well, it's just patterns anyone can play . . . .
But let your vocals fall on hard amps or screaming feedback mics
and your comunicating's over.

The address on the leaflet is 'West Street, Erith, Kent' - perhaps a Vox expert can pin down just when this all-too-honest assessment of the sixties group scene was written.


Re: VOX pull no punches

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2012, 13:41
by JimN
1969, Ray.

I have that catalogue and remember where and when I got it (very early 1970).

From memory, it also gave a back-handed swipe at the pop music of the early sixties and the British Invasion. Talk about biting the hand...


Re: VOX pull no punches

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2012, 09:16
by RayL
Thanks, Jim.

Now I've cast my beady eye over the bottom right-hand corner of the back page, the last part of this coded message begins to make sense: ZW/808/50m/2.69.

1969 was your starter for 10. For an extra five points can you name the author, the type of Roland Rhythm Composer that he preferred and the distance from his house to the post box?
