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My hobbies

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2009, 14:16
by PeterV
As a "new" :mrgreen: member, thanks to Bojan for forcing my arm :lol: !!! I would like to take the opportunity to bother you with my hobbies.

I'm in brewing my own espresso made of green bean I've roasted "to perfection" as a once per week "job". Twice per year I'm also producing about 30 bottles of likeurs!! In the meantime I'm playing on my strat and bother people about echo's and related audio items. sometimes I program VST modules in C++ for the gang "pro bono" or,like now, doing sanety checks on possible developing H/W echo gear!!

-Piet ;)
Yes, loafs are also baked also twice weekly.

Re: My hobbies

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2009, 14:44
by Bojan
Welcome aboard Piet! :wave: No Shadows site is complete without you and Jacob!

What's new on Echotapper?

Re: My hobbies

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2009, 19:12
by PeterV
Bojan wrote:Welcome aboard Piet! :wave: No Shadows site is complete without you and Jacob!

What's new on Echotapper?

Although it is not yet part of the echotapper site. We, that's me and my friend Jacob, are in a preparation/discovery phase towards building an echo that would be like a unit that fits between the guitar and the amp like a magicstomp. The go/nogo for the project is pending a couple of tests with the delays, filtering, programmability and the user interface. The emphasis is also on low UMC so it would be rather affortable to be build. As you know, eTAP2 was build during the winter of 2007 so for this project we have around 400 manhours on the shelf.

A "no go" decision can be directly translated to bin it!! The reasoning behind this endeavour is the fact that a lot of guitar players are not yet ready to jump into the microprocessor based PC's and single boards. For me it's back to the electronic engineering skills and programming skills I've learned and practiced for about 10 years in my working life. Obviously, I'm also retired as Jacob is. Having this on our plate during the winter affects the wive(s) in a positive sense (speaking for myself that is!) as we plan to be very occupied with it.

As this is again a "labour of love" job that's for,as already mentioned , the "pro bono" gang :D The design will be, assuming it works, available for free for guitarplayers to rebuild it. We are not considering building/selling it in any way!! If there are electronic designers in this group they are invited to team-up with us.

-Piet ;)

Re: My hobbies

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2009, 20:15
by panchodiaz
What a great idea, Peter! I´m looking fordward to have news from you and Jacob about this project. Many, many thanks.

Re: My hobbies

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2009, 20:24
by Bojan
Sounds very interesting Piet. I hope you decide to go through with it!! :thumbup:

Re: My hobbies

PostPosted: 08 Oct 2009, 07:56
by RogerCook
I hope it's a "go" decision Piet. I'd be very keen to build it


Re: My hobbies

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2009, 14:25
by steelystrings
I to would be very interested in building such a device. I have experiance both with electronic components and making PCB's so would look forward to your designs.
