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PC test

PostPosted: 31 Dec 2009, 12:08
by Keith Bateman
test posting

Re: PC test

PostPosted: 31 Dec 2009, 12:09
by Keith Bateman
test reply posting

Re: PC test

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2010, 19:07
by Paulps
I thought this was one of those tests to find out if one is "politically correct"!
I hear that "Manchester" is to change it's name to "Personchester" as the "Man" is deemed nonPC! :twisted:
Now you've got me started!!
Why do we have to have all female short lists for prospective MPs. I want the best qualified person to represent me, irrespective of sex, age, colour or religion.
Why is there only one "Monopolies Commission"? :twisted:
If Champagne is only Champagne if it comes from the Chamagne region of France, why aren't all Eccles Cakes made in Eccles? Not to mention Yorkshire puddings, Cheddar Cheese, Pontefract cakes, Brussel sprouts, etc. :twisted:
The great song by Percy Sledge, if released today would have to be called "When A Person Loves A Person". :twisted:
Must go now. The nurse is waiting with my medication.

Re: PC test

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2010, 19:22
by Bluesnote
Duanne Eddy.....Dance to the guitar person.
Shadows.....Person of mystery.
Fleetwood Mac.......Person of the world.
or Personfred Person....Do Wa Diddy Diddy :roll:

Goad!!! You've got me at it now :geek:

Re: PC test

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2010, 23:51
by George Geddes
Don't forget that Shadows B-side It's a person's world!

How would it sound played on a persondolin?


Re: PC test

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010, 00:08
I feel sorry for the group Personfred Person !........... :D