Drak on drums!!!

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Drak on drums!!!

Postby drakula63 » 01 Aug 2014, 20:19

Good grief!!! I have just found, on youtube, some video footage of my FIRST EVER GIG!!! This must have been about Sept or Oct 1985! You'll notice that the drums can barely be heard. This is for two reasons: 1) they weren't miked and 2) with it being my first ever gig, I didn't realise that you had to hit them a bit harder than you did when practicing at home!!! Probably just as well, as with it being my first ever gig, I sounded awful. You MAY recognise the frightful T-shirt...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg42ca7 ... C32872C597
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Re: Drak on drums!!!

Postby drakula63 » 01 Aug 2014, 20:31

...And THIS is the gig that I was photographed soundchecking for -- as used for my avatar pic!!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXW9McW ... 7&index=11

...This would have been about June/July 1986. You'll notice that my hair has changed colour - possibly due to stress!!!

This song was actually written by myself, well the lyrics were anyway! The first song I ever wrote - and the LAST!!! Sarah was a classically trained pianist who tuned the venue's piano for them before the gig as best she could. I don't think it had been tuned since 1975.

Blimey, watching all this really brings back some memories -- not all of them bad,,, :)


P.S. I have a feeling that this was still only my THIRD ever gig! Third time lucky? Nah, not really. The song that follows it, Crazy Little Child, is better...
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Re: Drak on drums!!!

Postby TheSavage » 07 Aug 2014, 15:12

That first video is incredibly annoying, because you're clearly getting a real rumble going there... You can see it, you just can't hear the 'blasted' thing.

Re: Drak on drums!!!

Postby drakula63 » 09 Aug 2014, 12:15

Thanks Paul - I knew someone would appreciate my efforts eventually!!!

Yeah, it is a bit embarrassing now as I had never played in any kind of venue before this and had simply not realised that a considerable amount of power was needed in order to make oneself heard above amped guitars and vocals! Although, in my defence, I will point out that the next door neighbour at the time seemed to think that home-practice volume was more than loud enough!!!


Once I started gigging properly/regularly (in the late 80s/90s) I would often be miked up. Mind you, by then I was beating the hell out of the drums and so probably didn't actually need to be!!!

Ahhh, the naivety and innocence of youth. Where did it all go...?

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Re: Drak on drums!!!

Postby drakula63 » 11 Aug 2014, 17:23

...And here's one where you actually CAN hear me!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAev3pq ... C32872C597

If my memory serves me correctly, this was recorded in 1989 - somewhere near Cleethorpes!!!

Unfortunately, although I tried to be 'artistic', I MAY have overdone it slightly with the drum fills!!! Nice sound though...

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