I'm afraid it's cancer

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I'm afraid it's cancer

Postby Detailed Infinity » 14 Jun 2014, 15:16

Why has the thread regarding Hank's article in yesterday's Daily Mail telling of his fight with depression been deleted--I can't find the thread anywhere ?

It's ok to speak of physical ailments is it? Jet succumbed to cancer and the condition was well documented and Bruce recovered from cancer and the condition is the cause of many of our members death. I suffer, like Hank with depression--I don't broadcast it but is an extremely debilitating not only for the sufferer but the family as well. The deletion of the thread is a disgusting slur on all who suffer this condition and amounts to the attitude prevalent in the 1980s of those acquiring AIDS. This is disgraceful and the person deleting should hang his head in shame. You realise that such attitudes could push a sufferer over the edge to self harm. Is that the way people see me. We are not animals we are human beings. We don't ring a bell shouting unclean.

If you delete this then you are showing bigotry and a lack of compassion and I will cross the road as far from you as I can get.
Detailed Infinity

Re: I'm afraid it's cancer

Postby abstamaria » 14 Jun 2014, 15:41

Brian, I could be wrong, but could you have read the post in Charlie Hall's forum? I read it there first.

That is a very difficult malady, a complicated one, and I hope and wish for your recovery. Anna our bassist sends daily uplifting messages to a former band member suffering from depression, and it seems to help, as he responds. The pressure of a major show was difficult for him, but he now enjoys the small sessions we have, playing Shadows with just me and another friend.

We are just chemicals and electrical circuits, it seems, much like the amps we play with. Sometimes something goes wrong. I assume you are seeing a doctor. It could just be missing chemical.

Best wishes,

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Re: I'm afraid it's cancer

Postby hbmartin » 14 Jun 2014, 17:43

It does seem odd that the post has been deleted. The interview Hank gave to the Daily Mail which published this week seemed to me to be a rather frank and honest interview and I doubt he would have admitted to the illness had he not wanted anyone to know about it. So why delete the post? It is Shadows related and a fair topic for conversation I would have thought. He's talking about it publicly, so why can't we?

Re: I'm afraid it's cancer

Postby johnh » 14 Jun 2014, 19:39

Is this the post you are talking about, I dont think it was mentioned on this forum.
Try this link.
John H
http://charliehall.proboards.com/thread ... depression

Re: I'm afraid it's cancer

Postby Arpeggio » 14 Jun 2014, 20:19

I agree. Why delete the thread from the main board. Spencer Bright is a respected writer / journalist. Hank would have never given the interview, nor revealed what he had been going through, if it wasn't his intention that it would be published and enter the public domain. I do think that the timing was important, snd quite deliberate, viz: shortly after the album had beenreleased and after Hank himself had returned to Australia. A very brave and frank interview I thought. Although he didn't elaborate on the surgery he had to undergo, his admission that he didn't really want to go ahead with it initially, showed that he hss fesrs and worries just like the rest of us. Hopefully he is now recovering or recovered from his period of depression. Posdibly the most important interview out of all yhe ones he did do (many of which were either crass or simply anodyne).

Re: I'm afraid it's cancer

Postby dave robinson » 14 Jun 2014, 20:21

I deleted the post as it has nothing to do with music, which is what this site is about.
If you want a gossip site, go and form one amongst those who are interested, the majority here are not.
I'm locking the topic.
Dave Robinson
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