Brett Sinclair's Aston Martin.

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Brett Sinclair's Aston Martin.

Postby drakula63 » 24 May 2014, 12:28

Having been a huge fan of The Persuaders! back in 1971, I was interested to see this... ... 0-000.html

...and here's what it fetched... ... 33000.html

...worth every penny in my opinion. Oh well, maybe next time it comes up for sale...

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Re: Brett Sinclair's Aston Martin.

Postby abstamaria » 25 May 2014, 02:01

Quite a coincidence you should post that, Chris. l watched the 1st episode the other night! 1 have the boxed DVD set and watch it once in a while to enjoy the old scenes I saw on TV such a long time ago.

l preferred Danny Wilde's smaller car, the Dino. I bought one several years ago when they were not expensive.

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Re: Brett Sinclair's Aston Martin.

Postby drakula63 » 27 May 2014, 13:29

Not expensive?!!!

..well not as expensive as this Aston Martin anyway!!!

Yes, it was a brilliant show - pure class! I have the old Carlton DVD box set and SHALL be buying the more recent Network Blu-ray set before much longer. Mind you, will have to buy a Blu-ray player first! And a new telly probably!
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Re: Brett Sinclair's Aston Martin.

Postby drakula63 » 28 May 2014, 18:02

The question is, Andy, ONE olive or TWO...???!!!!

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