Girl guitarist with attitude

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Girl guitarist with attitude

Postby Detailed Infinity » 18 Apr 2014, 23:54

I was looking at Zoe's all girl band and although their guitar work can't be faulted there's a distinct lack of atmosphere to a static albeit appreciative audience of I suspect people of a certain age (wonder why such a youngish female band want to play old fella's instrumentals).

I also follow a young female guitarist--Laura Cox, Now this won't go down with the cringe worthy Shadow steps performed by the old blokes but she does know how to rattle the Steradent bottles and lift the hair pieces and clears out the ear wax.

Perhaps a change of direction Zoe? Check out her channel.


Detailed Infinity

Re: Girl guitarist with attitude

Postby Didier » 19 Apr 2014, 09:10

Another example of all girls' bands :

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Re: Girl guitarist with attitude

Postby dave robinson » 19 Apr 2014, 11:05

Are there any good examples anywhere . . . . So wooden, not for me sorry. :thumbdown:
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Re: Girl guitarist with attitude

Postby Alan Prudhoe » 19 Apr 2014, 11:24

Alan Prudhoe

Re: Girl guitarist with attitude

Postby dave robinson » 19 Apr 2014, 11:32

Alan Prudhoe wrote:

Now you're talkin' :thumbup:
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Re: Girl guitarist with attitude

Postby ecca » 19 Apr 2014, 12:19

What about that wench that was to play with Michael Jackson ?

Re: Girl guitarist with attitude

Postby cockroach » 19 Apr 2014, 12:53

The young lady who played with Michael Jackson is a young Greek- Australian (i.e Australian born) girl from here in Adelaide South Australia- her name is Orianthi.

Anyway, Zoe and her group are playing our type of music- so what if they don't carry on like crazies? They can play properly!

The fact that young people are interested and enthusiastic enough to want to play this stuff is terrific- I remember seeing Justin and his group - with that incredible young drummer lad - at Shadowmania in 2007, when I came over to the UK- good on them and all the other young folk with talent and good taste!

Re: Girl guitarist with attitude

Postby Lee Restarick » 19 Apr 2014, 16:44

Have a look on YouTube for the Iron Maidens who are an all girl Iron Maiden tribute. Courtney Cox, the redhead is especially gorgeous! And, actually a great guitarist.
Lee Restarick

Re: Girl guitarist with attitude

Postby ecca » 19 Apr 2014, 18:24

Cor what a little boster !
I wonder if she'd be in one of my videos if I asked her nicely ?
I mean, Jet asked me in for a cup of tea when I dropped it to him.


Re: Girl guitarist with attitude

Postby Detailed Infinity » 19 Apr 2014, 20:31

Here you go Eric. Almost half a million hits------ no Freudian slip!! I think she's a French girl but I'll not hold that against her. She does play in a band and my purpose in all this is to illustrate how guitarists have moved on from silent audience stage work to interactive stadium gigs. To play an instrumental track as we know it and wait for the ending before you get a clap (careful) is as I say so static. A musician needs the feedback during the performance and that doesn't appear to happen with the type of music here no matter who's playing the gig.


Detailed Infinity


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