The Vulcan

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Re: The Vulcan

Postby Bill Bowley » 31 Mar 2011, 10:49


Bit of a misunderstanding there, I had a 'quote' in my message that was from from Dick, who asked the question re Concorde, for some reason it did not come up in the 'yellow patch' they usually do!

Thanks anyway, I'm sure Dick will enjoy your response!

Regards ;)
Bill Bowley

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Twang46 » 31 Mar 2011, 14:00

Hi Bill

Just caught up with this thread

Many thanks for the links, I've passed them on to Ben

His model is now confirmed at 1-3 scale, complete scale model on perspex stands (the "uni" has given him a whole room for his display) 8-)



Re: The Vulcan

Postby Bill Bowley » 02 Apr 2011, 10:56


I wish him all the best with his project, and who knows, we may even see a pic of the finished article sometime?

Regards ;)
Bill Bowley

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Twang46 » 02 Apr 2011, 17:12

Hi Bill

I will post some pics of the final display when it goes "live" later in the year. Looks like it's going to be quite spectacular 8-)



Re: The Vulcan

Postby Bill Bowley » 03 Apr 2011, 00:38


Looking forward to seeing it! ;)
Bill Bowley

Re: The Vulcan - Dambuster's Anniversary

Postby Bill Bowley » 03 Apr 2011, 00:56

Great way to commemorate, would have been nice to have a Vulcan in the mix given that 617 flew them for so long. Maybe the Historic Flight financiers need to start reaching for their pockets before its too late. :roll:
Bill Bowley

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Detailed Infinity » 12 Apr 2011, 14:23

She's operating out of RHADS for shows this summer and she's here for good-knew she was RHADS bound 2 years ago but as DMBC's auditor for RHADS' flight operations and as a member of the noise sub committee I couldn't say during your earlier speculations.

Page down the list for my membership and credentials

Detailed Infinity

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Paul Creasey » 12 Apr 2011, 16:53

"RHADS"?..............That'll be "Finningley" then, eh Brian!!
If you thought there'd been speculation here, you should have seen the Vulcan Club's Forum over the past couple of years!!
I'd picked up a strong rumour a long time ago - from a usually reliable "inside" source, and in my heart have long believed that Finningley would be '558's eventual home (although-being a Lincoln lad, have to say that WADDO would have been better!).
It would have been nice to be "in the know", but in "Planet '558" it ALWAYS seems to be the case that those who actually shell-out their readies to support the Delta Lady are the LAST to get to know anything!!

Paul Creasey

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Detailed Infinity » 13 Apr 2011, 09:57

Yes Paul I did read the thread but couldn't say anything. Now she's here that's in the public domain. She was flown here by the pilot who took her down to bomb Port Stanley in '82.

Had an Antonov 225 at RHADS last year taking oil refinery gear to the middle east. That aircraft belongs to a heavy lift company Volga=-Dneiper. Much to the anoyance of Leed/Bradford Airport we have a 2 mile runway and flat countryside.

Ant225 example

Detailed Infinity

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Derek Mowbray » 14 Apr 2011, 20:30

I was stationed in Cyprus with the Army in 1969 at the RAF base at Akrotiri, they kindly showed us around to look at The Vulcan bombers there which were part of our nuclear deterent then. Later I saw the whole squadron take off, an impressive sight which never can be repeated. Regarding Leeds Bradford Airport it is too small to compete with larger airfields ,it is frequently fog bound ,the runway was extended a few years ago going over the main road,even so an aircraft overshot the runway once,but still Concord still managed to land
Derek Mowbray


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