The Vulcan

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Re: The Vulcan

Postby Paul Creasey » 11 Jan 2010, 13:34

Slightly more encouraging news from Hinckley (The Vulcan Operating Company moved there just before the end of last year - can't be much "Vulcan" left at Bruntingthorpe now!) about '558.
Robert Pleming's latest eMail update indicates that work representing the run-up to the full winter service has been authorised, despite the pre-Christmas funding "push" falling a little short. He also mentioned that the move to Hinckley (for Admin/Support) and RAF Lyneham (for Engineering/Operations) has saved £10,000.00 per month in rental expenses (so Brunty wasn't cheap, then?) - now that HAS to be good news!
"Pledges" made as part of the pre-Christmas funding effort are being called-in now, so get you cheque books out!

Pity about '319 at Sunderland. This has been an ongoing problem with static preserved Vulcans, with similar mishaps happening at Newark and Norwich after snowfall in the past. Talking to one of the '558 Engineers last night in the pub, it was apparently a potential problem whilst Vulcans were in service with the RAF too - there was always a "call-out" crew on hand, armed with sweeping brushes, to clear snow off the upper surfaces in inclement weather! Inept fuelling/de-fuelling could also have a similar effect - not only with Vulcans, but with VC10's too, as they carried significant amounts of fuel in their tail structure.

Paul Creasey

Re: The Vulcan

Postby guitarpicker » 02 Feb 2010, 14:47

i spent nearly 13 years of my 22 years RAF Service on the V Force - starting with no 543 Sqn Victor BSR2 at RAF Wyton followed by Vulcans B2s on Bomber Wing Near East Air Force at RAF Akrotiri Cyprus then tours at RAF Scampton and RAF Waddington before moving on to Harrier and Tornado aircraft. I still have my Pilots Notes, Flight Cards, Aircraft Electrical Diagrams, Flight Jacket, Flying Suit etc, just waiting for the right time to stick it all on E BAY without being taken to the Tower of London and shot for selling secrets to the enemy. Over the years I have acumulated about 20 hours of various video film on the V Force about a third of which was filmed from within the cockpit on actual flights - ah yes those were the days - sitting on the wing frying eggs at Shiraz in Iran (1973) pre Revolution days. watching RAF Policeman with his dog guarding the plane in the rain, he was told not to go near it as it was armed and ready to go and the rain was chucking it down so with police the dog was sitting under the wing in the dry whilst the ploiceman stood out in the rain following his orders. - I would love to go back to those days

By the time I left the RAF in 1992 it had all changed and had become very technical and modern and more like a factory job and although i miss the old days i am glad i left when i did


Re: The Vulcan

Postby Paul Creasey » 05 Feb 2010, 12:43

Hello Dave,
Good to read your reminisences about your days with the Vulcan! In my case, most of my Vulcan-watching - from the mid-1950's - was done from the "outside" at Scampton & Waddington - although I was in the RAFVR during the 1980's, so was able to get on the "inside" on a number of occasions, including having a "go" on the Vulcan Flight Simulator (and later the E3D Sentry AWACS) as well.
I can relate to your comment about the "modern" RAF being more like a factory job. I have friends who currently work on the E3D at Waddington, and Harriers at Cottesmore, and they've kindly arranged some hangar visits for me. Whilst very interesting, my overall impression was that Hangars, these days, are very much "Factory Production Lines"! I guess that reflects the fact that Vulcans, Victors etc etc, were essentially "hand-made" whereas the modern stuff is much more "mass-produced".
The "Fat Lady" looks as though she may be about to sing - so far as the last flying Vulcan (XH558) is concerned - see my other post on this thread.
Paul Creasey

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Paul Creasey » 05 Feb 2010, 12:55

Well......the roller-coaster ride for XH558 continues!
All of the Vulcan to the Sky Trust employees - engineers and admin staff - are under one month's notice of redundancy from Monday last, and the "last-ditch" efforts to prevent the worst happening include the following:

"Please give us a minute of your time to build publicity for this British Icon by contributing towards a New World Record!

Please watch:

Direct Link:

and sign XH558's 50th Birthday Card here:

Any pledge you are able to make (a promise to pay something later) will help save this unique and magnificent example of British Aviation heritage for the future.

Please would you now send on this email to all of your contacts?

Thank you."

I know that there are a number of members of the ShadowMusic web community who share my affection for this aviation icon. This appears (again!) to be "The Last Chance Saloon" - anything you feel able to do (Pledging and/or donating cash; Passing-on the youtube clip to your own contacts etc etc) will help to keep this unique aircraft in the air.
Paul Creasey

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Rosemary » 09 Feb 2010, 10:20

Sorry I don't know anything about the Vulcan but love the Spit. I've never seen a real Spitfire either on the ground or in flight and have been fascinated by them from a very young age. Having said that, I'm not much of a fan of flying myself but love to watch them on DVDs (of which we have quite a few).
best wishes

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Bill Bowley » 19 Feb 2010, 09:56

Lets gain some altitude? (To the top for you non-flyers!) ;)
Bill Bowley

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Paul Creasey » 25 Feb 2010, 09:52

WHEW!!................last minute (Literally!) anonymous donation of nearly £500,00.00 has saved '558 again! :D
The professional team are safe, at least for the time being, and the winter servicing and modifications programme is going ahead.
Not sure if my old ticker can take much more of this "last minute" stuff, but the Chief Executive has at least acknowledged that fund-raising will be on a "year-round" basis from now-on.
The challenge for the Engineers, now, will be to get the old girl ready for the 2010 "Airshow Season" - no easy task in itself, given the late start that has been forced on them.
Paul Creasey

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Amanda » 28 Feb 2010, 17:41

Hi Peter,

All Deja Vu!

If they keep trying this one no one will bother because " Someone always comes up with the money!"

As for doing it different this year, it's been said before.

Apparently David Walton the Owner of Bruntingthorpe and former owner of 558 is still owed either,
£144,000 or £114,000, for 558 I can't remember which!

Talk on the grapevine was that David would step in if TVOC collapsed!

I think when it's flying days are over it should return to Brunty instead of going to Duxford, they've already got one.

Anyway despite all the negativity, let's hopr they learn from the lessons so we don't have this all over again!

On the 655 front the engine they've opened up to inspect which is the oldest engine on the aircraft in running hours,
is in good condition, they replaced a couple of cracked stator blades using spares from the seized 301 they got from
603 at Woodford!

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Re: The Vulcan

Postby Paul Creasey » 01 Jul 2010, 17:32

Long time no posts on this thread..................but (as of today) XH558 FLIES AGAIN! :P
She took-off from RAF Lyneham at 15.42 today under a "single trip" Permit To Fly (PTF) from the UK Civil Aviation Authority, and has been seen over the West Country undertaking her post-winter-service test flight.
Her destination eventually is Brize Norton, for a Compass Swing and completion of other documentation for the 12-month PTF. Looks like the Vulcan Operating Company may have pulled a rabbit out of the hat again :thumbup:
Fingers crossed for Waddington Air Show this weekend - especially as my Daughter-In-Law has found me some free tickets!
Now, this MIGHT just get in the way of me going to the E. Yorks meeting at Hull :( - if so, many apologies to Carol & Dave!
Paul Creasey

Re: The Vulcan

Postby barryg » 01 Jul 2010, 21:32

Great news Paul. Thanks for the update and lets hope the Vulcan completes this years air shows. I'll look forward to seeing it in the air again.

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