The Vulcan

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Re: The Vulcan

Postby Bill Bowley » 20 Nov 2009, 22:24


'I DON"T BELIEVE IT!' (apologies to Mr Meldrew)

On the subject of sponsors for 558, (and I probably already know the answer) why hasn't the RAF Historic Flight grabbed her by now? I suppose the answer would include such words as Treasury, Public Servant, etc, etc. :|
Bill Bowley

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Bill Bowley » 01 Dec 2009, 10:34

Canadian Avro Lancaster C-GVRA Fly Past - Saskatoon Airport October 26, 2009

Not the VULCAN, but another AVRO product -I believe this one and the on in the BB Flight are now the only Lancs flying worldwide? ;)
Bill Bowley

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Paul Creasey » 01 Dec 2009, 11:32

(The Canadian Lanc, that-is! :lol: )...............and you're right, only two of 'em still flying worldwide.
However (for the avoidance of any doubt amongst casual readers), Vulcan XH558 is UNIQUE in that it is the ONLY flying example.
Still feeling a bit negative about '558, though - up on jacks at Lyneham; Undercarriage Leg away for re-engineering; Contractors unwilling to commence work until there's money up-front; Major main-spar mod required before 2010 airshow season; Dr Pleming (TVOC CEO) "retiring" in 2010; Almost daily eMail "reminders" from TVOC about the dire financial circumstances the project is in :o
Set against this is a highly enthusiastic supporters club (of which I am - of course - a member!) who've even got a stall at this week's Lincoln Christmas Market. Trouble is, it'll take LOTS of sales of Calendars, Pens, Books etc etc to fund all the outstanding work! :?
Although I have great admiration for the work of the club "activists", '558 doesn't need a fundraising campaign - what it needs is a bl**dy MIRACLE.
.......................OR a Christmas Present of MEGGER proportions!! See ;)
Paul Creasey

Re: The Vulcan

Postby barryg » 06 Dec 2009, 20:27

The January edition of Fly Past magazine has a 10 page feature on XH588 and a double page photo.

Charting the past progress of 558 it then runs into the future prospects of XH558 and VTST stating.

"Flying into 2010 is, sadly not a foregone conclusion. If XH558 is to reach it's 50th birthday, the trust needs to raise £400,000 by Christmas, and a further £400,000 by Easter." It goes on to say the project is seeking 33% of it's running costs from donations compared to 50% last year. The team is very aware that enthusiasts cannot fund the aircraft themselves and that goodwill might run out and they may tire of dipping into their pockets.

Annual baseline costs are around £1.8 Million as anticipated but additional jobs have increased the total by £800,000. That's a lot of money to find but it's been done before. VTST is seeking donations and trying to get small businesses on board as small sponsors. I hope they make it as they want to celebrate XH558 50th birthday with a celebration next May with their own event.

Based at Lyneham at present VTST is looking for a suitable new home on a commercial airfield with it's own hangar ASAP so it can have open days, their own shop and create a commercial package around it.

I would love to see it displayed again in 2010.

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Re: The Vulcan

Postby Paul Creasey » 07 Dec 2009, 00:10

So would I, Barry!!

.......but this situation puts me in mind of my Mum's old saying - "If wishes were horses, Beggars would ride!"

MANY would "love to see her displaying again in 2010", but how many will put their hands in their pockets, I wonder.

Paul Creasey

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Bill Bowley » 13 Dec 2009, 11:35

558 was on Foxtel in Australia today on a program called British Engineering Achievements hosted by that Brit actor that played Tomb Raider's Butler in the recent movies -good to see her (558) getting a proper mention -even if it was only engine runs and some archive flight footage!
Bill Bowley

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Bill Bowley » 14 Dec 2009, 23:15

That 'Tomb Raider' bloke was Chris Barrie BTW.......
Bill Bowley

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Amanda » 28 Dec 2009, 23:05


I can't understand why they don't put an appeal along the lines of
"If you are one of the 3 million (or whatever!) people who saw and enjoyed
XH558 in 2009 then please donate £1!"

Lets face it if the figure is 3 million if only a third donated they would have their million!

What annoys me is the way they hound you, due to the downturn this year
it took longer than I wanted to make my donation, I explained that I would
send it as soon as I had it but letters kept appearing, despit them having my e-mail


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Re: The Vulcan

Postby Paul Creasey » 29 Dec 2009, 12:01

Hi Amanda,
I'm with YOU on the "hounding" issue!
ALL I ever hear from The Club and The Trust is "We want more money!"
I KNOW that "funding" is the major issue, but the assumption seems to be that all we have to do is dig a little bit deeper. SOME of us manage our money very carefully. The cash that me and SWMBO donate to "the cause" every month by Standing Order represents a carefully calculated and sustainable amount - NOT a token amount that can be increased at a whim.
It would be nice, for once, to get something back............the long-ago promised "Supporters Display" for instance............We DO feel that we "get something back" from our (smaller) contributions to '655 at Wellesbourne (free entry to "Wings & Wheels") and '426 at Southend (their latest, full colour, magazine is a real Gem!), but all we get from '558 is "you're not donating enough!".
In the run-up to Christmas, we'd received "Christmas Greetings" from '655, '426, and the RSPCA (another of our "causes") well beforehand. Just as I was thinking "what a surprise - nothing from '558!", we received a very nice eMail from Robert Pleming - so someone "at the other end" is trying!
As for your "if you are one of the 3 Million....." point, you're absolutely correct! Now THAT is the REAL challenge for The Trust!
We went with the East Yorks Shadows Club on a very pleasant Pullman Dining trip on the North Yorks Moors Railway last October. Now there's another organisation that runs "vintage" machinery and relies on public donations/income. The thing that struck us, though, was that the place was FULL of people spending money, and I'd bet that only a small minority were "Railway Enthusiasts"! I'm not suggesting that '558 could serve four-course meals in the bomb-bay, and don't have any "quick fix" suggestions, but developning income streams to embrace other than died-in-the-wool Vulcan fans really SHOULD be a priority.
P.S. Sorry to have "gone-on" a bit - I would never have DARED say this on the '558 Forum - I'd be excommunicated in no-time!
(...........and that might just be part of the problem!)
Paul Creasey

Re: The Vulcan

Postby Amanda » 30 Dec 2009, 16:36

Sounds ineresting Paul,
4 course meals in the bomb bay!

No problems about clearing up afterwards! :lol:

Another thing about railways, the vinatge machines are so much older!!

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