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Re: The Vulcan

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2012, 12:53
by Paul Creasey
Hi Bill,

You really ARE an Ace!
Seen all the photos of this incident, but never knew there was a vid too! Thank you so much! :P


P.S. Case dismissed through lack of evidence! ;)

Re: The Vulcan

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2012, 10:40
by Bill Bowley

Thanks M'lud, great to see British justice is alive and well! ;)

Re: The Vulcan

PostPosted: 02 Sep 2012, 21:32
by Sleepwalker63
Nice to see the Vulcan in the air again (on it's way home after the Bournemouth air show today).
(17.96 KiB) Downloaded 5711 times

Re: The Vulcan

PostPosted: 03 Sep 2012, 09:59
by barryg
I was at the Bournemouth air show yesterday and saw it all including the Vulcan. It was interesting to note that the commentator said the Vulcan is now 10 tons lighter than when it was in military service as the bombing radar has been removed. Did I hear that right, 10 tons?

Good to see it flying again.


Re: The Vulcan

PostPosted: 03 Sep 2012, 13:05
by Sleepwalker63
I wasn't at the air show. I saw it flying over whilst I enjoyed a family gathering in the New Forest.

Re: The Vulcan

PostPosted: 23 Sep 2012, 21:07
by David Martin
What me and my buddies did yesterday...

More on Lindum Colonia UK Chapter Facebook page...

Re: The Vulcan

PostPosted: 23 Sep 2012, 21:15
by David Martin
And here's our souvenir patch...

Re: The Vulcan

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2013, 01:55
by Bill Bowley
Happy New Year all!

Now, down to business at hand. Recently 'discovered, downloaded and thoroughly enjoyed the video on the Vulcan (and Victor's) Falklands involvement. No doubt many have already seen it, and it may well be mentioned somewhere in the 'annals' of this thread, but here it is: ... re=player_

Please grab a stff drink, don your flying gear ans sit back and enjoy (it goes for a while).

Regards :)

Re: The Vulcan

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2013, 01:54
by burnsbonkers
I think this Vulcan buisness has gone on long enough.
lets get Soviet.......
MIG 25 foxbat. :evil:

Re: The Vulcan

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2013, 10:55
by Bill Bowley
Foxbat? - plenty of them availble 'for a song' in Indian Air Force scrapyards.