Scotland's devolution dilema

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Re: Scotland's devolution dilema

Postby Detailed Infinity » 20 Sep 2013, 11:42

The status of the Union will be harmed if our 4 distinct countries fragment.

N. Ireland/ Wales/ Scotland/ England are a sum of the whole. Each country has a valuable attribute to what makes us British. Each has their faults but together we will always be at the forefront of world opinion. Scots for their grit, medical and engineering skills; N. Ireland for their engineering and their feeling of right from wrong; Wales again for their grit, heritage and sense of pride in their country/language; England for its skill for holding not only its own attributes but for holding the lot together as an homogenous entity. All 4 countries, as the United Kingdom, form the respect of the world. We in the North of England are as far away from Westminster in political terms as the other 3 countries are geographically so we understand how the Scots feel but to split up--never; we'd have nobody to moan at. :D

Detailed Infinity

Re: Scotland's devolution dilema

Postby roninnes » 22 Sep 2013, 11:48

If indeed The Daily Mail is a hackrag what is a reliable source of political info in Scotland. The Daily Record, I think not...The Scotsman does it still exist?...The Glasgow Herald..again does it still exist.
The issue for Scots like myself who live south of the border is we don't get anything other than Salmond spin in newsbites so even if we were to be given the vote we wouldn't know what we were voting for or against.
We suffered this in Canada when we lived there with Quebec wanting to separate but it hasn't happened and is unlikely to happen as life within the cocoon known as Canada is more comfortable than being out there on your own, methinks Scotland may go the same way.

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Re: Scotland's devolution dilema

Postby George Geddes » 22 Sep 2013, 12:43

As a Glaswegian, I think decisions which affect Glasgow should be taken by the people of Glasgow. Then we wouldn't have to pay for vanity projects like the Edinburgh trams... and we might actually get something really useful like the Glasgow Airport Rail Link.

Yes Ron, the Herald and Scotsman are still around though the latter is struggling a bit. The Herald - to the best of my knowledge - has no official line on the referendum, though certain columnists are pro-separation. But at least the facts are presented in a clear manner.

George Geddes
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Re: Scotland's devolution dilema

Postby Detailed Infinity » 23 Sep 2013, 19:32

The last partition, because that's what it amounts to, was when Ireland became two different countries, Eire and Northern Ireland. With regard to the question of Scotland having to queue for permission to be a new member EU State the reality is that such a proud nation will be among the also ran member states at the behest the monetary giants of the Euro system. The UK has its own sterling currency and thank heaven for that. In the hard world of the euro, Scotland would become a fallen giant. Those proud people are worth more than that surely.

Detailed Infinity


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