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Re: "You can post anything here "

Postby RayL » 23 Jan 2014, 20:34

Thank you to Mike Barnes for joining this discussion and explaining your reasons.

However, there is a point that needs to be discussed. In your last message, you say "I wasn't personally offended". Ah, now we're into the territory of asking for censorship on behalf of person or persons unknown who might be offended. Only might, because we don't know who they are (if they exist at all).

The red-top newspapers love that sort of thing. A person (usually a famous person) says something. A politician (it is usually a politician) then demands an apology on behalf of "people who will be offended". The red-tops make it into a contest (because that is what sells newspapers) and the politician gets their name in the papers and is interviewed on television (because that is what they wanted). No-one is protected. Feelings are inflamed. It's all rather sad.

I'm rather sad that Mike Barnes wasn't personally offended. It weakens the case for censorship in this situation by a great deal.

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Re: "You can post anything here "

Postby Twang46 » 23 Jan 2014, 23:48

At least you had the decency to identify yourself as the complainant Mike, but like Ray I remain baffled as to why you complained about something that didn't offend you ?

As I missed the "joke" that started this off, anybody care to pm me so I know what was said that was deemed offensive ?


Re: "You can post anything here "

Postby MikeAB » 24 Jan 2014, 10:46

The post was not directed at me 'personally' - or of course anyone in particular - so I wasn't 'personally' offended. And yes for example my very young Grandson seems to like the Shads and I would make a decision to try and protect him from reading inappropriate words on anything I suggested he looked at. And do we not have any respect for our female readers anymore - oh no I forgot they like to be equally vulgar these days don't they (or do they?!).

As usual the person trying to maintain decent standards seems to be the one who is put in the corner and questioned/found at fault. That's why our TV and movies have been allowed to become littered with obscenities. I for one abhor the Phil Collins school of ''look at me everyone, I'm swearing on stage and isn't it rebellious, brave, young and, most importantly, cool'' . We can all do it - it's restraint and decency that says we're thoughtful and considerate of others.

It's not censorship to be polite.
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Re: "You can post anything here "

Postby Paul Creasey » 24 Jan 2014, 11:12

Well said, Mike!

Paul Creasey

Re: "You can post anything here "

Postby noelford » 24 Jan 2014, 13:35

Mike, I'm right behind you on every single word of that post. I'm not a prude - I think swearing has it's place and can be a useful tool, but it is devalued when people use is as punctuation or to fill the gaps in their conversation while their brain tries to catch up with their mouth.

That's a general observation, I should add, and does not refer to the post that caused this fuss - I didn't actually see that, so can't comment.

Re: "You can post anything here "

Postby Twang46 » 24 Jan 2014, 13:41

MikeAB wrote:The post was not directed at me 'personally' - or of course anyone in particular - so I wasn't 'personally' offended. And yes for example my very young Grandson seems to like the Shads and I would make a decision to try and protect him from reading inappropriate words on anything I suggested he looked at. And do we not have any respect for our female readers anymore - oh no I forgot they like to be equally vulgar these days don't they (or do they?!).

As usual the person trying to maintain decent standards seems to be the one who is put in the corner and questioned/found at fault. That's why our TV and movies have been allowed to become littered with obscenities. I for one abhor the Phil Collins school of ''look at me everyone, I'm swearing on stage and isn't it rebellious, brave, young and, most importantly, cool'' . We can all do it - it's restraint and decency that says we're thoughtful and considerate of others.

It's not censorship to be polite.

Thanks for replying Mike

I also admire & agree with your stance on this. Sadly, in the world that we live in, swearing no longer seems to be a issue & is used casually by almost everybody.

I personally am not offended by swearing (unless directed with malicious intent) but I do think in the lounge area a certain amount of "leeway" with jokes/anecdotes etc..could be tolerated. After all it does say "post anything here"
Perhaps our attention should be more focussed upon the "music" parts of the forum where young people in particular can be expected to be taking part ?



ps........................ I use a forum that blocks the name Dick automatically as well as seemingly innocent words such as "pee-ed" the explanation for which was that "although it is not an offensive word as such, everybody knows what you mean" :roll:

Re: "You can post anything here "

Postby Derek Misselbrook » 24 Jan 2014, 20:20

The trouble here is the way the moderation was carried out, there is no need ever to get rid of a message completely, a moderator has the power to go into a message and delete or change the text to make it readable by everyone even a child.....Heavy handed moderating always causes problems :D
Derek W Misselbrook.
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Re: "You can post anything here "

Postby donna plasky » 25 Jan 2014, 01:16

Derek Misselbrook wrote:The trouble here is the way the moderation was carried out, there is no need ever to get rid of a message completely, a moderator has the power to go into a message and delete or change the text to make it readable by everyone even a child.....Heavy handed moderating always causes problems :D

I will probably regret contributing to this thread, but I am going to do so any way. First of all, the post/joke in question is still on the Board, although in an edited form. So, if you are saying that David Martin or Bob Dore removed it completely, they didn't. Look in the Lounge under "Quartermaster's Stores." It is still there. Ergo, they are not "heavy handed moderators" if such is defined by removing an entire post rather than editing out a few words.

As for female members of this Forum, I am only one person and my views do not necessarily reflect anyone else's. I can tell you that if I were an "easily offended" person, I simply would not read any of the posts in the Lounge. It's that simple. Important Shadows information is extremely unlikely to end up in The Lounge, so I really would not be missing out on anything if I avoided The Lounge. In actuality, I am not easily offended, and I do read everything in The Lounge. If I don't like a joke - which has happened numerous times - I don't complain, I just move on to the next post. A joke with or without curse words is still just a joke; it's not important...to me any way.

I appreciate that Bob Dore runs this Forum, and that David, Iain, and Dave watch over the activities within it. I fear that one of these days, a "complaint thread" such as this is going to be the straw that broke the camel's back and they just might pull the plug. I don't want to see that happen. The Shadows are retired and this Forum is all we have left.

Lastly, although I quoted Derek above, I do not mean this reply to be any sort of personal attack on Derek. Derek has a right to express his views, regardless of whether they're the same or different than mine or somebody else's. The quote was just to bring context to my reply. Thank you for your time.

- Donna
donna plasky

Re: "You can post anything here "

Postby Alan Prudhoe » 25 Jan 2014, 09:43

At last a voice of reason and common sense. :roll:
Beautifully put, Donna. Thank you.
Alan Prudhoe

Re: "You can post anything here "

Postby noelford » 25 Jan 2014, 11:08

Alan Prudhoe wrote:At last a voice of reason and common sense. :roll:
Beautifully put, Donna. Thank you.

I agree about Donna's post, well said, Donna. But Alan, I thought my own contribution was reasonably thought through and brought some common sense to this topic, so for me, your 'at last' was a little uncalled for, methinks!


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