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Log in

Postby Twang46 » 23 Jun 2010, 17:28

Anyone know why I need to "log in" every time I visit the site ?

I tick the box on the log in screen to avoid this without success, it used to work ok till a couple of weeks ago ( I think)



Re: Log in

Postby Admin » 24 Jun 2010, 19:24

It's something to do with your browser cookies. This can be caused if you have a corrupted cookie, you're out of available space or they have become disabled for some reason.

What browser are you using? Most of them have a built in "autostop-working" subroutine which appears to be designed to kick in at the least convenient times.

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Re: Log in

Postby Twang46 » 25 Jun 2010, 13:00

Hi Bob

I'm using IE8 under Win7

Now I think of it it is just since I started using a different laptop a few weeks back that this has happened (was XP Pro, IE8)

Other sites that I use with similar log in procedures are not affected :?

The few seconds needed to log in is not a big problem, but as I'm not to familiar with Win7 yet I was thinking that it was perhaps something obvious that I had missed.



Re: Log in

Postby Twang46 » 06 Jul 2010, 09:14

The plot thickens........... since I loaded Google chrome, auto logging in has been restored :?

Isn't Win7 a wonderful thing !


Re: Log in

Postby shadowkarl » 05 Feb 2014, 10:29

Although I have a windows professional 7 software with the normal webbrowser the autologin does not work for me. Each time - even when the computer is running the whole day - I have to log in again!!
It works for me certainly for the proboards Charlie Hall site, without any problems!

Re: Log in

Postby stratmantd » 05 Feb 2014, 11:03

IE8 is a wee bit outdated now and the current IE is IE11.

Clearing out your cookies every now and then will keep things healthy. Download a free cleaner called CCleaner and run it and you will not only delete all those cookies on your system but also get rid of loads of temporary and log files which are not required and which slow down your system.

When the new cookie is created when you tick the box to save your password it should create a working one.

When installing software you download for free, always be aware that they might try to get you to install some other software which might not be desirable, e.g. google toolbar. NEVER install these extras or if you do, uninstall them asap. Toolbars are especially bad for slowing down your machine.

Re: Log in

Postby David Martin » 05 Feb 2014, 11:10

If you have set the "private browsing" option in your IE, that will produce this result... so will Firefox...
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Re: Log in

Postby apachepete » 07 Feb 2014, 00:47

Hi all

Any advice for IPad owners I've been logging in every time for nearly 3 years ever since I bought my IPad (2) please

Regards Pete

Re: Log in

Postby noelford » 07 Feb 2014, 08:06

Dick, try using a decent browser, like Firefox.

Pete, I'm not sure why you have to keep logging in on your iPad. I have the iPad2 and most of the time stay logged in .

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