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Postby bridev » 30 Jan 2014, 18:32

A squad of Marine recruits are standing close ranked and stark naked on the parade ground.
The sergeant major inspecting them stops in front of one of the men and without warning punches him in the midriff.
"Did that hurt" said the SM
"NO SIR" said the man
"Why not?" said the SM
"Because I'm a Marine and I'm tough" came the reply
The SM moves along the line. stops again and stamps on a mans toes in his size 12s
"Did that hurt" he said
"NO SIR" said the man
"Why not?"
"Because I'm a Marine and I'm tough" again came the reply
The SM moved on and stood in front of a very well endowed man. With a nasty grin the SM whacks the recruits manhood with his swagger stick
"Did that hurt" the SM barked
"Why not?"
The recruit replied "Because it belongs to the bloke behind"

Re: Ouch!!

Postby dave robinson » 30 Jan 2014, 18:40

That gag had got a longer beard than ZZ Top, still funny though.
Dave Robinson
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Re: Ouch!!

Postby bridev » 30 Jan 2014, 19:42

Yeah I know it's old Dave I forgot to put it as a header.
Thanks for reading and the post though.


Re: Ouch!!

Postby Stratpicker » 30 Jan 2014, 23:21

Hi Brian
Well I hadn't heard it before.
Great story but what I want to know is - Who blabbed???!!! :D :D :D
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