H M V Shop closures

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H M V Shop closures

Postby anniv 63 » 10 Feb 2013, 19:08

Quite a sad end last week on what was once a good retailer and stocking outlet especially when thinking
back to around the late 1970's and early 80's.
One of their strong points back then, was the Vinyl Album/Lp Import section where you could fairly easily
obtain or order re-issues of Cliff/Shadows early stuff or other 60's rarities that had otherwise been fairly
long deleted on U.k. catologues at this time.
Indeed they even had in stock "Inside" album from Jet Harris on the racks in 1978 which at the time seemed
like finding buried treasure!!
As for recent years its all been said elsewhere, and the joy of browsing instore was lost to me anyway.
ABBA said it back then - Thank you for the Music!!!

anniv 63
Posts: 731
Joined: 10 Jan 2010, 17:16

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