NAMM Show & "Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend" ... Anyone?

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NAMM Show & "Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend" ... Anyone?

Postby abel » 01 Jan 2020, 20:13

Hi all,

I wish you all a very healthy, peaceful and serein New Year 2020.

I am excited to be attending the NAMM Show in L.A this year (January 16 - 19).
I am even more excited to be attending for the first time the "VIVA LAS VEGAS ROCKABILLY WEEKEND".
It takes place at the Orleans hotel, Las Vegas, from April 9 to April 12, 2020.
It's a fabulous multi-event for musicians.

Anyone going? the hotels so far are very affordable, but they will go up as we get close to the Festival.

Posts: 543
Joined: 21 Sep 2009, 03:19

Re: NAMM Show & "Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend" ... Anyo

Postby Stu's Dad » 02 Jan 2020, 23:04

A very Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year to you Abel. I've got zero chance of attending NAMM but I hope you have a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

All my very best wishes,

Stu's Dad
Posts: 406
Joined: 22 May 2013, 15:34

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